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123. Jon's bored at the game

122. Zoe heads downstairs

121. Hungover

120. Mikey the cheerleader

119. Linda is a Bit Peeved

118. Arriving at the game

117. Jon arrives

116. Sharon Says Something Strange

115. Sharon arrives at the Gibson's

114. Mikey gets dressed

113. Jon gets dressed

112. Mikey gets dressed

111. Bathtime

110. Small Wonder

109. Mikey's Big Break

108. Breakfast with the Gibsons (Al

107. The Following Morning

106. Back with Linda

105. Intense Make out session

104. Checking that Sharon's asleep

Slowly Swapping: Jon's Bored At The Game

avatar on 2016-10-02 15:22:48

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Jon was bored. Since he had swapped his sports interests with Karyn, Jon didn't find the game very exciting. Sure he clapped and cheered when the team scored but in between plays Jon found his attention drifting.

Jon thought back to when he had arrived at Karyn's house this morning. She had seemed rather worried about something but she couldn't say it in front of her parents. Maybe it had something to do with the stone?

"Oh wow! Did you see that touchdown!?" Karyn yelled bring Jon out of his revere. He had missed the entire play. He clapped along with everyone else hoping no one had noticed.

Once the crowd had settled down Join snuggled up to Karyn. Karyn noticed and put her arm around his shoulders.

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