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105. Intense Make out session

104. Checking that Sharon's asleep

103. Sally and the Date

102. Mikey' getting horny

101. Heading Out of the Mall

100. Let me take a selfie

99. Karyn loves Jon

98. Confrontation

97. The Dork is on the Other Foot

96. Time to Leave

95. Mikey gets bored

94. Mikey Stops Biff

93. Zoe meets up with Athena

92. Reading Level

91. Storytime

90. Bedtime

89. Trevor's Party

88. Biff and Mikey at the theatre

87. Finally some alone time

86. At the restaurant

Slowly Swapping: Intense Make Out Session

avatar on 2016-09-23 21:37:27

1578 hits, 120 views, 1 upvotes.

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Biff pulled up to his house. By the time they got there Biff had a massive hard on. Almost as soon as Biff had shut the engine off he had pulled Mikey towards him and started making out.

Mikey was initially shocked and tried to resist briefly before he found himself enjoying it and started kissing back. Both Mikey and Biff ran their hands all over each other. Mikey ran his through Biff's hair enjoying the feeling.

After a while they paused to get out of the car. Once the door was locked Biff scooped Mikey up into his arms causing Mikey to let out an involuntary giggle. Biff carried Mikey up to his room where he gently tossed Mikey on to the bed causing him to shriek.

"Careful!" Mikey yelled playfully. "You'll mess up my hair"

"Sorry babe" Biff said grinning as he climbed on top of Mikey and continued the make out session.

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