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97. Where are Sarah's parents?

96. Time to Leave

95. Mikey gets bored

94. Mikey Stops Biff

93. Zoe meets up with Athena

92. Reading Level

91. Storytime

90. Bedtime

89. Trevor's Party

88. Biff and Mikey at the theatre

87. Finally some alone time

86. At the restaurant

85. Sally's new phone

84. The Digital Babysitter

83. Awkward dinner

82. Musings in the Mirror

81. Mikey's makeover

80. Pizza time

79. Sharon's new room

78. Dinner at the Gibsons

Slowly Swapping: Where Are Sarah's Parents?

avatar on 2016-09-18 06:12:20

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As they left Biff accidentally knocked into Sarah McMillan. She was really annoyed now. First they wouldn't shut up and now they had bumped into her. She was glad that they were leaving so she could finally enjoy the movie.

Once the movie had ended Sarah left the theatre and was just wondering what to do next when a security guard approached her.

"Excuse me young lady" the man said. "Where are your parents?"

"They're at home" Sarah replied.

"Uh huh" the man replied. "Are you with anyone else? A brother or uncle perhaps?" Sarah shook her head. The man frowned. "Right come with me" He took Sarah's hand and started leading her somewhere.

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