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83. Awkward dinner

82. Musings in the Mirror

81. Mikey's makeover

80. Pizza time

79. Sharon's new room

78. Dinner at the Gibsons

77. No Curfew?

76. Jon's date part 2

75. Jon's date

74. Linda's story

73. Father-Son Advice

72. Zoe gets ready

71. Mikey gets a makeover

70. Linda's a little depressed

69. Sharon gets distracted

68. Sharon sneaks around

67. Mikey's trip to the mall

66. Jon gets home

65. Zoe's new suit

64. Library Swap

Slowly Swapping: Awkward Dinner

avatar on 2016-09-16 08:53:05

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She wasn't sure what she should do about it. Linda stroked her chin as she stared into the mirror. After a minute she decided that she had spent enough time in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen.

Roger dished out the food as Linda sat down. Dinner was rather awkward as neither Linda or Karyn talked much. Roger tried to get a conversation started but couldn't get much response.

After dinner Karyn excused herself from the table and went upstairs to her bedroom. Linda helped Roger tidy up. As they did so Roger asked.

"What's with you two?" He asked concerned. "You barely said a word all through dinner".

Linda snapped out of her daydream as she realised he was right. "Oh Karyn and I were talking earlier about a problem she had".

"Oh? What about?".

Linda wondered if she should tell him but replied "guy stuff".

"Oh right" Roger replied.

A few moments later Karyn reappeared "I'm heading out" she said.

Before Linda or Roger could responded she had already left.

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