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79. Sharon's new room

78. Dinner at the Gibsons

77. No Curfew?

76. Jon's date part 2

75. Jon's date

74. Linda's story

73. Father-Son Advice

72. Zoe gets ready

71. Mikey gets a makeover

70. Linda's a little depressed

69. Sharon gets distracted

68. Sharon sneaks around

67. Mikey's trip to the mall

66. Jon gets home

65. Zoe's new suit

64. Library Swap

63. Zoe

62. let's go to the mall

61. Mikey prepares to go to the ma

60. Back at the high school

Slowly swapping: Sharon's New Room

avatar on 2016-09-12 09:46:07

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Sharon was up in Sally's bedroom looking for evidence. Well, she was in what used to be her daughter's bedroom. When she had entered she had noticed the sign on the door that usually said "Sally's room" now said "Sharon's room".

And she had been looking for evidence but then she had gotten distracted. As she was looking through one of the shelves in the room Sharon had spotted the Barbie doll collection that she figured were now hers.

Sharon picked one up examining it. "She's pretty" she thought to herself. Sharon then took the doll over to the doll house in the corner and started playing.

Sharon had become so engrossed in her dolls that she didn't hear the doorbell ring. Moments later Sally entered the room.

"Sweetie, the Pizza's here" she announced.

Sharon looked up with a smile on her face. "Yay!" She shouted and she got up and ran past her daughter downstairs still carrying the doll.

Sally smiled as she followed her daughter.

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