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70. Linda's a little depressed

69. Sharon gets distracted

68. Sharon sneaks around

67. Mikey's trip to the mall

66. Jon gets home

65. Zoe's new suit

64. Library Swap

63. Zoe

62. let's go to the mall

61. Mikey prepares to go to the ma

60. Back at the high school

59. Pizza night

58. Young Professional

57. Checking in with Sharon

56. Biff is worried about Mikey

55. Jon Chooses Both For Now

54. over to Sarah McMillan

53. Two Offers

52. father and son bonding time

51. Mikey's Turn (Alt)

Slowly Swapping: Linda's a Little Depressed

avatar on 2016-09-05 18:14:33

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Linda sat down on the sofa a little disappointed. She felt a little hurt when Mikey decided that he'd rather hang out with his friends at the mall than her. That seemed to be one good thing about the swaps. Before the swaps Linda bonded differently with her son, now she got to play video games with him. Now however Mikey seemed to be growing up and didn't want to be seen hanging out with his father.

As she sat there thinking her eldest son Karyn came into the room. "Hey son" Linda greeted her. Karyn just grunted as she sat down and flipped the TV over to something she wanted to watch. It was some science fiction show. Linda took that as a cue and went into kitchen where Roger was.

"Hi honey" he said noticing his husband at the door. He saw the glum look on Linda's face. "What's wrong honey?" He asked.

"Oh nothing" Linda lied. She thought about it and then said "Our kids are growing up. Mikey's out at the mall with his friends, Zoe's got that party tonight and Karyn's just watching TV." Linda paused "they don't want to hang out with their dad".

"Oh honey! That's not true" Roger said putting the spoon he was holding down and giving Linda a hug. "They all love you. It's just that sometimes they like to do their own things". Linda nodded, she knew Roger was right.

"Why don't you sit with Karyn for a while? I'm sure she wouldn't mind" Roger suggested.

"But she's watching some weird sci-fi stuff. She won't want me there asking questions about stuff that I don't understand."

Roger sighed putting his hands on his hips. "You don't know that honey. She might actually appreciate someone taking an interest in the things that she likes. When was the last time you two did something together?" He asked.

Linda thought about it, it had been a while. "Ok" She said sighing. She grabbed a beer out of the fridge and went back into the living room.

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