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65. Zoe's new suit

64. Library Swap

63. Zoe

62. let's go to the mall

61. Mikey prepares to go to the ma

60. Back at the high school

59. Pizza night

58. Young Professional

57. Checking in with Sharon

56. Biff is worried about Mikey

55. Jon Chooses Both For Now

54. over to Sarah McMillan

53. Two Offers

52. father and son bonding time

51. Mikey's Turn (Alt)

50. Heels

49. Mikey gets punished

48. Linda Stops Thinking

47. Letting Jon decide

46. Bros

Slowly Swapping: Zoe's New Suit

avatar on 2016-09-03 13:30:33

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"Is this a fucking joke?" She exclaimed.

Zoe decided that she didn't have time to figure this out right now. She had to get ready for the party at Trevor's. She left the music playing. Deciding that she actually quite liked it and went to open her wardrobe.

"What the hell!?" Zoe yelled as she opened the wardrobe. Instead of the black gown that she had intended to wear that night there was a black suit hanging up. She took it out of the wardrobe. It looked like something a businessman would wear. It was certainly not something that she would be caught dead in and yet.

And yet as she examined it it looked like it was made to fit her. Something weird was definitely going on here. She took the suit down to her mom.

"Hey mom!" She said grabbing his attention. "What the hell is this doing in my wardrobe!?" Indicating the suit.

Roger turned and looked at his daughter crossly, folding his arms across his chest. "First of all, young lady. Watch your language." Zoe grunted an apology. "And secondly, that is your best suit. We brought you that on your 13th birthday remember?"

Zoe didn't remember. "Mom! I've never worn a suit before in my life and besides. This looks like something a man would wear not a teenage girl!"

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