Thank You. I am new to the site, glad to know I could contribute something someone enjoys!
Personally I've always enjoyed the "dealing with it" part of transformations. I've been going through the site and adding episodes to crazy situations I found to be unique and "interesting", hoping to spark interest in them.
The original old root thread for this where Jon and Karyn became two vaginas stuck right next to each other but were unable to say or DO anything about it caught my attention. I wanted to explore just what that would really BE like for a person to go through.
Mainstream erotica is just mundane stuff like getting spanked and screwed over and over again. I think that transformation erotica is an art medium that really explores the mental aspect of human sexuality. These threads in fictionbranches are almost all impossible situations humans have never been exposed to in real life. What the people would do and how they would react if this stuff happened is exciting to think about.
If you or anyone else have an old unique thread you want expanded let me know, I'll see what I can come up with! Hopefully I'll start catching more of the typos BEFORE hitting the submit button too! :)