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24. Back at the Gibson household

23. Time for coffee

22. Sharon Rationalizes

21. Aunt Sharon's weird morning

20. Roger the cook

19. A New Day

18. Dinner with the Gibsons

17. Chat

16. Discussing Jon's wish

15. Serious Discussion

14. Notice

13. It Is Jon's House...Well...Sor

12. Heading Home

11. Linda's Day (Alt)

10. The Next Morning

9. That night

8. Slowly Swapping: Gym Class

7. Slowly Swapping: Time for scho

6. Slowly Swapping: Jeans and a f

5. Slowly Swapping: Jon tries to

Slowly Swapping: Back at the Gibson household

avatar on 2016-08-21 21:59:02

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Meanwhile back at the Gibson household, Linda was very confused. It seemed she was swapping things with her husband. She was currently lying in bed wearing her husband's pyjamas while he was downstairs wearing her nightie and no one seemed to think anything was wrong.

The bedroom door opened slowly and in came Roger. He was using his back to push open the door as he was carrying a tray. "Here you are sweetheart. I've rung the office and told them that you weren't feeling too well". Linda just nodded staring at her husband in his nightie and pink robe. Roger placed the breakfast tray over Linda's lap and smiled at his wife. That was when Linda noticed it. His hair was longer. Normally he kept it short but now it fell down to just above his shoulders. Nervous, Linda subtly reached for her own hair and found that it was shorter. It wasn't as short as Roger's used to be but it was certainly shorter than she would've liked.

"Now you eat your breakfast while I go and get dressed" Roger said. Linda nodded and started tucking in. Linda watched her husband as he got ready. He picked out a bra and panties and then laid them out on the bed. He then opened a drawer and to Linda's surprise pulled out a pink blouse. Roger then opened the wardrobe and took out a pair of blue jeans. Linda was happy to note that the jeans appeared to still belong to her husband which meant that only their tops had been switched. Roger then went and took a shower. After the shower Roger came out with a towel around his waist and another wrapped around his hair. Roger then proceeded to get dressed.

By the time Roger had finished getting ready Linda had finished her breakfast. Linda thanked Roger as he collected the tray. "No problem honey" He said. "Now you just take it easy today while I do all the chores". Linda nodded as Roger left.

Linda lay there for a while before deciding to get up.

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