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11. Slowly Swapping: Linda's Day

10. The Next Morning

9. That night

8. Slowly Swapping: Gym Class

7. Slowly Swapping: Time for scho

6. Slowly Swapping: Jeans and a f

5. Slowly Swapping: Jon tries to

4. Slowly Swapping: Underwear

3. Slowly Swapping

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Slowly Swapping: Linda's Day

avatar on 2016-08-12 18:14:27

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Linda tried to act normally that morning while her kids were eating breakfast. While she was hoping that someone would notice that she was wearing her husband's boxers instead of her panties, she didn't want to try and point it out and have everyone think that she was crazy. Once her family had finished eating and everyone headed off to work or school Linda busied herself in her housework eventually forgetting about her situation. The housework took all day and Linda only paused for lunch and bathroom breaks. She was reminded of her situation when she sat down on the toilet. "What the?" She asked herself looking at her boxers before remembering what happened. "Oh of course" Linda thought to herself "Well nothing else seems to have changed" she said looking at herself. Linda thought about her husband Roger, at work wearing her panties. She did have to admit that that brought a smile to her face. And with that Linda finished her business and then resumed her chores.

It wasn't until later that afternoon something else happened. Linda had finished her chores and then had decided to take a shower before starting on dinner. The shower went as normal. It was only as Linda started to get dressed that she noticed it. She slipped on her boxers and went to put on her bra when she couldn't find it. She looked everywhere and still couldn't find it. Eventually she had an idea. Linda slowly opened her husband's drawer hoping that she wouldn't find what she thought she would. There along with what used to be her panties were now her bras as well. Linda was shocked. "This can't be happening!" She cried out. Linda grabbed a bra and tried to slip it on. It hung loosely on her as it appeared to be made to fit her husband. Linda also noted that the breast cups were now flat. Linda looked at the drawer in dismay. It seemed that somehow Linda and Roger had swapped underwear and now Linda was expected to go around braless. Linda sighed and decided to continue getting dressed. She put on a light yellow blouse and tan coloured capris and then went down to start dinner.

As she started cooking Linda pondered about her situation. "Everyone seems to think it's normal that we're wearing each other's underwear" Linda thought. "Hang on, Karyn's friend Jon seemed to think that he was switching clothes with Karyn. Maybe he knows something about it. I'll ask him when they come home from school." Linda thought not realising that her daughter's friend used to be her son.

Meanwhile Jon was waiting for Karyn outside the school. It had been a bit of weird day. Jon found out that his schedule had now been switched with Karyn's and so he had had to take her classes instead of his usual ones. Jon also found out that his friends had switched as well. When he wasn't with Karyn he had to hang out with her friends and chat about girl stuff. Jon was hoping to get home and try and use the rock to fix all of this. Jon was just looking at his watch when Karyn turned up. "Hey Jon" She said greeting him "Ready to go?" She asked. Jon nodded and they headed home. "Want to hang out this afternoon?" Karyn asked. Normally it was Jon who did the asking but at this point Jon wasn't surprised anymore. "Erm, sure" Jon said. "listen I've been thinking" karyn announced as they walked. "Oh? What about?" Jon asked. "You" Karyn replied "You know how recently you've been insisting that we're swapping with each other?" "But Karyn we are!" Jon insisted "I just don't get why this is happening or how come no one else notices" Jon finished. "Well that's what I've been thinking about. I was thinking that we could use my stone to try and fix this."

"Your stone?" Jon repeated. This time he was shocked. "So now you have my stone as well?" "Jon what are you talking about?" Karyn asked shocked by Jon's outburst. "My grandpa gave it to me before he died remember? I showed you the letter and everything." "No" Jon said firmly "It's my stone and I showed you it, that's how you ended up long hair and big breasts!" Karyn snorted "Me!? Blonde hair and big breasts!? Why would I wish for those Jon?" Karyn asked laughing. "Because you're jealous of Sarah McMillan" Jon hadn't noticed that during this outburst that his chest had inflated since this morning and his hair now fell down past his shoulders and was blonde. "Excuse me!" Karyn said trying to calm things down "You're the one who is jealous. Look at yourself" Jon did and gasped noticing his breasts and grabbing his hair as it fell down in front of his eyes. "This is impossible!" Jon yelled. "Hey, come on Jon calm down. Let's go and see if we can fix this." Jon nodded and followed Karyn, still in wonder of his breasts and hair. He wondered if they were still heading to his house or if it was Karyn's now

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