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6. Melissa Smith and Tiffany Sand

5. Mom gets infected too

4. dumb blonde

3. Personality Virus

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Personality Virus: Melissa Smith and Tiffany Sanders Get Zapped at the Mall

avatar on 2017-03-17 20:12:45

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Melissa Smith and Tiffany Sanders (girly cheerleader girls from Lake Point High School) were heading through the mall, using their cell phones to either text or browse the internet, when suddenly Melissa said "Look at that weirdo over there."

Tiffany looked up momentarily, saying "Isn't that that dork Jon Gibson from school?"

"Yeah, I think you're right."

Suddenly, both girls got a strange shock from their cell phones, and a moment later, they both started to act out of character. But neither of them noticed.

What new personalities did they now have?

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