Grabbing the stone, Jon turned to Karyn. "We should find out exactly what the wish changed."
Karyn nodded in agreement, standing back up, wobbling slightly, not having a tail to balance standing on paws seemed to be causing trouble.
Gripping the stone, Jon made a wish. "I wish me and Karyn knew what my last wish had done."
The stone glowed slightly, and they both heard a voice echo in their heads.
Forty two random wishes have been made.
There are only two ways to reverse them
One; Discover the effects of all forty two wishes
Two; Live with the effects for two months
Additionally, You can only make three specific wishes with the stone in the duration;
This explanation you are hearing now
How many effects you have identified
And what those effects are
The voice faded out.
"Damn..." said Jon pausing for a second. "I Wish we knew how many effects we've discovered"
The voice echoed again.
"Not doing too bad so far" Karyn pointed out.
"I wish we knew what effects we'd found." said Jon
Once again, the voice echoed.
Wish clauses
Jon and Karyn both see the effects of the wishes as if they were there to hear them made
A deluxe bathroom
Jon has a cushioned silk crotch
Jon can urinate by standing near a toilet
Jon and Karyn are married
Karyn has feline legs from the knee down