Jon quickly scanned the names printed below the pic which said who everyone was and was suprised to see names like Farber, Mathews and Drullers. He looked again and reread all the name carefully.
"Huh," he commented, absent-mindedly putting his hand in his pocket, "I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think they all have the same surnames as people in my class." He did a quick head count. "Same number too." There was even a set of triplets with the same name as a set of triplets in his class. "Even the teachers," he added shocked.
"Huh," replied his dad, chuckling "No wonder no one in this town has ever won the lottery in the past eleven years - the entire town blew its luck on this happening." Their mom laughed at the joke and got up.
"Come on dear," she smiled, "Let's get food ready while these two compare notes on their classmates."
The two boys rolled their eyes as their parents left the room. Jon took a seat next to his brother and looked at the photo he was holding.
"Spooky," said Mikey, "Probably just coincidence."
"Yeah," nodded Jon, "would be funny if our classes swapped ages. You know just to mess with everyone."
Mikey chuckled brightening up. "Wouldn't mind being the big brother and going to high school while you went to elementary school - bet I'd be dating a cheerleader."
"Ha, as if," smirked Jon, ruffling his brother's hair, "I wish our classes would swap schools, just to see what would happen!" Jon felt a warm glow in the hand he had in his pocket and belatedly realised that the stone was in that one.