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6. With Great Power...

5. Big sister

4. The next morning

3. My Sister the Witch

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

...Comes The Crazy

on 2015-06-19 21:26:16

2218 hits, 155 views, 1 upvotes.

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"What what is this?" Jon gasped at her handiwork. The chains had manifested on her mental command, and while she still had no idea how she did it, she felt strange new instincts kicking in. Magic had become natural for her like an extra muscle she had never used before this point.

Slowly, her eyes took on a disturbing gleam. "So much power! It's wonderful!" With a snap of her fingers, her old bookcase exploded, sending torn pages and chunks of wood in all directions. Another snap shattered the window and the glass in every picture frame in the room. In the midst of this destruction, Jon laughed with maniacal glee.

Staring at this in horror, Zoe struggled in her chains. "Jon! Please, stop!" She begged. "The magic is affecting your mind! I-I'm sorry for changing you! Please, just stop it!"

However, Jon had already forgotten her sister's presence. She was too wrapped up in new sensations, the hum of supernatural energies in her bones, the feeling that this tiny planet had become her plaything, to twist and mold according to her every whim. It carried her far beyond her previous existence like a rip tide, drowning all capacity for self-restraint.

Tremors shook the walls, making the house groan and creak with the strain. Still cackling, Jon stood with arms upraised as her eyes took on a definite glow.

She could do anything she wanted. Absolutely anything! And nothing was going to-


An invisible wall slammed into Jon, knocking her clear off her feet and plastering her to the wall. Her eyes went wide as she saw her mother in the doorway, the air rippling around her. If Jon's power had overwhelmed her like an ocean current, this was like a tsunami.

Striding into the room, Linda took in the scene. "Jon, get a hold of yourself!" Stretching out her hand, she curled her fingers into a fist. Immediately, Jon sensed her magic being closed off from her, shrinking into a little ball deep within her abdomen. There it sat, burning like a miniature sun, waiting to be unleashed.

As the magic's influence withdrew, it allowed Jon's own mind to make a comeback. "M-Mom! Zoe! What's happening to me? What've I done!?"

Her mother's tone softened. "Just calm down, Jon. Everything will be alright."

All at once, Jon had a difficult time holding her head up. It felt like she had just run a marathon, or maybe ten marathons. Pure exhaustion swept over her, and she quickly fell unconscious. The spell binding her gently eased her to the ground as it dissipated.

Seeing her eldest child now safe from further harm, Linda turned to Zoe, she gestured at the chains, making them vanish. "Zoe, are you alright?"

A trembling Zoe sat up. "I I think so."

"Good." Linda went from relieved to stern in an instant. "Now, what did I tell you about being careful with your magic? Didn't I put you through years of pre-magic training to prevent this kind of abuse?"

Zoe rubbed her arms where welts had begun forming from the tightness of the chains. "I know, Mom. But the power felt so great, and Jon was annoying me. And I always wanted a sister. I guess I snapped."

Her mother sighed and sat down on the bed next to her. "I suppose it's partially my fault. I'd forgotten what it was like to awaken to your powers for the first time. It's a very dangerous and tantalizing thing. Far more witches succumb on their first time than we care to admit. I should have kept an eye on you."

Tears trickled down the teenage girl's cheeks as she leaned on her mother's shoulder. "Sorry, Mom. I messed up."

Her mother hugged her tightly for a while. "We all go through this, sweetie. Just remember this next time you feel tempted to use your power on someone." Once more, she glanced at Jon. "But right now, we have a big problem on our hands. You've awakened the power in Jon, and unlike you, he was completely unprepared. I'm afraid it may have taken its toll on his body and mind. If we can't fix it entirely well, you might just get the sister you've always wanted."

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