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6. They have a problem while flyi

5. by great eagle 2

4. Visit Princess Fina before lea

3. Sir Garrett Noble Paladin of t

2. Heroes

1. The Drafting Board

They have a problem while flying

on 2018-04-25 05:12:04

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The pair soon took to the air to soon took to the air on the giant eagle. Princess Fina cried out in joy when they left the aviary. In a minute, they passed the castle walls, soon they were over the countryside. The tiny buildings and farms littered the landscape. Towns and cities just another feature of the land below. Freedom from the confinement and rigid structure of castle life. Fina loved all that and beauty of the world below. Worry of the dangers ahead didn’t cross his mind.

For Sir Garrett fear kept him sharp. He feared not for himself but the innocent who faced the dangers of the world untrained. A life fighting monsters seemed in the cards since a childhood raised by veteran knights. He never knew a gentle life away from sadness’s of the world. He lost many father figure growing into a man. Sir Garrett desired to shelter others from the villains in the world. Though a practical man he knew that he could only do a small part and pray to the gods for the rest. Princess Fina wished to share his burden however he worried when put to the test she might return to her sheltered existence.

The pairs silent revelry broke when the eagle began to spin out of control toward the ground. Sir Garrett pulled with all his might to no avail. He knew not what was happening. Darkness overtook the paladin and the princess.

Fina woke on a hard mattress in cool dank iron cell. Her senses dimmed by whatever dark magic that stole her wakefulness. Sorin must have lost consciousness from magic that hit her. He would not have lost control without witchcraft or the such about. She saw nor felt any injuries about herself save a pounding headache. Her concern soon turned to thoughts of her beloved who she could not see anywhere. Princess Fina called, “Sir Garrett can you hear me?” She hurried to the bars looking to either side down the long stone hallway finding only a hard metal door at one end. The dungeon she found dimly lit by torches in poor repair. The door at the end of the hall unlocked pushed open with a squeaking sound as metal grinded against metal.

A robed figured made its way to the Princess. The black robed figure turned to face the Fina looking down before saying, “I am glad to see you awake Princess. I am afraid that Sir Garrett is not here to greet you but these things happen. I welcome you on behalf of my master who is unfortunately delayed. I wish to assure you of your safety while you are in our care.” The man turned making his way back to the metal door.

Fina worriedly asked, “Where is Sir Garrett? I will not cooperate if you hurt him.”

The figure responded, “Your cooperation is unnecessary. Your ransom should reward us quite nicely and all you have to do is sit there.”

Fina shouted , “My father will not pay for me. He does not love me. You might as well let me go. Now tell me where Sir Garrett is.” She held the cold iron bars pressing her face against them hoping to see someway out or catch sight of Garrett. She only saw the small dank stone floor that led to the metal door. She doubted this place was anymore than a temporary hideout for this villain and whoever else might work with him.

The husky laugh of the the villain unsettled her. He said, “I never told you that your father was providing the reward. Royal blood is quite valuable to many. I think I will leave you to ponder who desires you. As for Sir Garrett I am afraid I don’t know him now where he might be. He either left you or is laying dead somewhere. So don’t trouble yourself about him.” The man snickered about the troubled girl.

Fina felt tears rising to her eyes thinking about Garrett abandoning her. No he would never do that she told herself. The man might lie to cause her to despair. That way she would make no trouble for them. But the darker question remained who desired her and for what dark purpose?

As the day drew to a close a couple robed figures arrived one of them with keys rattling. Fina watched nervously observed them unlocking the door. The familiar male voice of her captor resonated from the taller one saying, “It is time for you to meet your new owner young princess.”

Fina scowled, “Why do you hide yourselves in robes. Afraid a defenseless woman will know you for the cowards that you are?” She mustered her best derisive laugh at them.

The man responded amused, “If you should somehow escape I would hate for you to be able to identify us. Mine is the only voice you know. We are unlikely to run into each other I am afraid we run in different circles.”

The pair led her through the old metal door up the stairs. Reaching the outside brought about a sulfuric odor. The sight of an enormous red dragon grinned revealing its sharp teeth. As it began to speak smoke escaped its giant maw. The booming voice said, “Well don’t you just look delicious. I think you are worth every piece of gold I paid. I suggest you two run and hide my stomach is gurgling. I hardly think a morsel this small will fill it.” With that statement the robed figures ran back into the dilapidated stone structure. The seized Fina who stood frozen with fear.

The powerful wings flapped taking them into the air. The cool wind blowing across Fina’s face brought her to her senses. She looked down watching the scenery pass by being taken to some unknown location to be eaten no doubt.

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