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9. Jon Doubles Down in Denial

8. Karyn Tells Sarah the Truth

7. Karyn Wants the Stone

6. ...she'd realize just what she

5. Hanging out with Sarah

4. Changing friends

3. Karyn and Sarah

2. Role Reversal

1. You Are What You Wish

Propagating the Lie

on 2021-11-27 00:50:07

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"Of course it isn't true Sarah, I would never betray you like that!" Exclaimed Jon in an increasingly angry mood. Being more panicked before over what had unintentionally transpired with Sarah's wish from earlier Jon now dug in his heels and was becoming internally angrier by the minute at Karyn's outbursts. Sure he was lying to both of them with his denials but what could he do at this point? The possibility existed that either or both of them could get a hold of the rock and if that happened it would be game over for him. Still he had to end this infighting before he blew a gasket or a cat fight erupted between the two girls.

Sarah's eyes had softened from their wide opening somewhat when Jon had angrily exclaimed his innocence and that was the key linchpin to his plan, keep Sarah on his side while also insulating Karyn and her (to everyone else) outlandish claims. Looking to Sarah and staring directly into her beautiful eyes Jon knew that what he was doing was never part of what he wanted to happen but his wish and Sarah's had made him a victim of circumstance. With this plan he would get short term relief but he had no idea how Karyn would feel when she swapped back to her original personality and life a week from that moment... probably not too happy.

"Sarah I would never betray you and you know this, You are the world to me and I would do anything for you. I have stood by you and you to me through the thick and thin of our lives and I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had to. I would never make you something you’re not and I have no idea what Karyn is talking about." Halfway through his speech in which he softened his voice while keeping eye contact, Sarah's eyes had continued to soften and her eyelids faltered as she blinked tears into existence that started to stream down her cheeks. Still even as she blinked rapidly and quickly had to wipe away her tears she never broke eye contact with Jon.

”I can't believe you Jon were best friends and you did this too me?" Screamed Karyn as she displayed her impressive figure clad in its tight pink dress outfit. "Give me the stone or I'm going to walk right over you and take it myself.” Before Jon could say something else to placate Karyn Sarah spoke up for the first time in several minutes and undercut him and his counter-jab. Turning her head to face Karyn and bunching up her fists Karyn and the barbies constant teasing of her fueled her current courage "You won't get anywhere near us or the stone you bitch!" Jon was stunned when after defending him and standing by his side Sarah then took her left hand and slid it around Jon's right hand, making sure their fingers were tightly inter-bound. Karyn's eyes went wide with wonder and her mouth puckered closed at this verbal slap in the face. Sarah's old personality within Karyn was dumbfounded as the bully had finally met its match and was feeling vulnerable at meeting a person that didn't cower before her insults. "She's right you slut you got the all-natural butt and boob-job you wanted from your wish now get the hell out of here before I call the police." This insult from Jon cemented the lie in his mind and he now knew that there was no going back. Sarah’s face turned back to him and gave him another wide-eyed stare but this time there was less suspicion and more intrigue. Karyn herself at hearing what Jon had called her began to get angry again but at that moment her anger broke down and so did her emotions. Karyn began to cry at the unfairness of the situation and soon had her face buried in her hands. "I trusted you, I loved you as my best friend and you betrayed that love and trust while also stealing my life and my very identity. I hope that you live forever Jon and suffer for what you’ve done!" Now sobbing uncontrollably Karyn promptly turned around and ran out of the Jon’s room as well as his house.

Now with the barbie doll out of the way Jon thought he could have breathed a sigh of relief but Sarah turned back to stare at him once again this time with a mischievous look in her eyes and face and laughter barely contained within her lips. "You gave her a body makeover!" Sarah suddenly blurted out in intense laughing while Jon stood there with high eyebrows and a smile on his face.

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