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11. Kyla Leers at Tom

10. Fog

9. The Studs Get a Taste of Their

8. Amber Turns Smart

7. Sarah Turns Lesbian

6. The Past Doesn't Change and Bi

5. Biff Turns Gay

4. Emily Simms

3. Words of Power

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Words of Power: Kyla Leers at Tom

avatar on 2017-03-22 22:58:50

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"Are you all right?" Kyla Leeson asked Tom.

"I don't think so," he said, grabbing his head. It was so hard to think for some reason. "I feel so vulnerable for some reason."

Kyla's eyes wandered up and down Tom's body, clearly leering at him, something she wouldn't normally do, but because of what Emily said ...

"Well, come with me," she said, putting her arm around Tom's back and leading him towards an alcove away from the crowds of the mall. Wow, this guy is such a hottie, she thought, already picturing in her head what she'd like to do to the stud once they were alone.

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