James froze and gave Sam a confused look.
“Remember what the note said - don’t put things back in!”
“Also said not to put living things in.”
“You think because you’re not dead that makes it okay? What if this is permanent?”
“Crap, I hadn’t thought of that.” James set the box down and eyed it warily.
“Which side did you use?”
“What difference does it make?”
“Each one is tied to a different emotion, so maybe if we figure out which is which we can figure out why you changed like that.”
“Oh, good point. Umm, so which is which?”
Sam shrugged “Well in Green Lantern comics I think it’s something like Red is rage, Orange is greed, Yellow is fear, Green is willpower, Blue is...hope? And Purple is...erm...love I think?”
“You’ll be glad I am,” snorted Sam, “So which did you use?”