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23. Punishment-1

22. Further 'Teaching'

21. Yoga Tutoring

20. Morning bus ride

19. Morning Confrontation

18. Morning Complications

17. Athena's wish gets twisted

16. Hat of names: Making the world

15. Abigail Isn't Much Closer to F

14. Hat of Names: You can't go wro

13. Zoe Makes Some Suggestions to

12. Hat of names: Jon broods, Zoe

11. Jon's Alarm Goes Off

10. Hat of names(Interlude): Where

9. Hat of names: You never get a

8. Hat of names: An exciting way

7. Athena DeVries

6. Sarah McMillan

5. Three Changes to the Person, P

4. Jon Picks a Name Out of a Hat,


on 2021-11-07 01:19:06

1384 hits, 168 views, 1 upvotes.

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She opened her eyes and tried to make out her surroundings. She could tell she was in a dungeon of some sort. She tried to remember how she got there. Now that she thought about it, she couldn’t even remember her own name.

She had to bite her lip as a powerful wave of pleasure and arousal passed through her. Her mind was blanked for several seconds but when she came to, she started to remember. Her name was Ginny Weasley, though she couldn’t help but feel slightly uneasy with that thought. She had been in a very big fight with Draco Malfoy’s brat sister.

Quickly looking around she spotted the target of her ire. Also suspended in place with chains. She obviously couldn’t see herself, but she would have thought that Carina would look more injured. Her body didn’t ache even though it probably should in the strange position. Must be some kind of magic.

She didn’t have much more time to dwell as she heard sharp footsteps from the darkened far side of the dungeon. Her eyes widened as the figure… no… the girl stepped out of the shadows. She writhed for several seconds trying to break out of the chains to no avail. The girl was Hermione Granger… no that wasn’t right she knew it was Karyn Black but how did Karyn get to Hogwarts? She thought they were friends even though that made no sense. She opened her mouth to shout to her for help only to…

Ginny blinked the spots out of her eyes. For the first few moments all she knew was how aroused she was though she didn’t know why. All of that arousal quickly flowed out of her as she took in her surroundings, not without a hint of déjà vu, which she quickly dismissed. She was being held in a dungeon of some kind held aloft by chains. Around her neck was a collar of some kind. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t noticed it before. Shaking that thought away she turned her mind to more productive ones. How to escape.

Recently she had been trying to practice some wandless magic. She hadn’t gotten very far but she did master a wandless lumos. Hopefully, in her time of need, she could pull off a wandless diffindo, the severing charm. She focused on her magic, drawing it up from inside herself, focusing it on the chains above her head, specifically the one that held her left hand. She opened her mouth the speak the spell and lost her train of thought.

Next to her was her arch-nemesis it looked like she had just woken up and was glaring at her. She’d been strung up in a dungeon of some kind. Carina opened her mouth only to close it when she heard a cough in front of them. Ginny turned her head forward spying Hermione Granger. Granger was one of the 7th year prefects and in the last month had been assigned a special position of super prefect by Headmistress McGonagall. It allowed her to perform unorthodox punishments and so far she had a 100% success rate. All students were given detention with her never repeated. There were rumors going around about what she had done to get even the worst students to behave but since said students were sworn to silence with magical vows, no one had any idea.

What was she going to do to her and, begrudgingly she had to admit, new sister in arms?

Hermione only seemed to smirk at this, as if she could read her thoughts.

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