It was Kyla Sorrewood, the nerdy girl at her school, she remember she was the same ages as Jon, but in the doorway there was a older Kyla looking more mature, a adults, resembling the age of her mom, her black hairs did have streak of grey in them, and her forms were now more developed, C cup to be exact, quite perky for her age. As the information past trough Zoe head, she look at Kyla and said "WTF IS GOING ON!" Kyla look at her shocked"Zoe, language, I never heard those words from your mouth. What is happening?" Zoe looked at her and said "From my mouth? Lady im am not your daughter, I must have confuse house or something, I am way to drunk for this." And she was actually drunk, she drank a lot at the Spike Pit, or behind it, even there, they were not ready to give under age alcohol, well she was not the person to judged them, cops can be a pain. But as soon as the word drunk came from her mouth, a slap came in fast, very fast, it actually hurt, "YOUNG LADY YOU SHALL ADDRESSED ME PROPERLY, LIKE THE WAY I RAISED YOU, FOR YOUR SECOND QUESTION YES YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT HOUSE AND YES YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER, SAME GLASSES, BLACK HAIR, AN BEAUTIFUL GIRL THE SAME I HAVE EVEN KNOW, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, DID YOU DRINK? YOU ARE STILL UNDER AGE OF DRINKING!!!" As the scream of the women went trough the house, other people were woke up and coming from one of the rooms...
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