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21. Yoga Tutoring

20. Morning bus ride

19. Morning Confrontation

18. Morning Complications

17. Athena's wish gets twisted

16. Hat of names: Making the world

15. Abigail Isn't Much Closer to F

14. Hat of Names: You can't go wro

13. Zoe Makes Some Suggestions to

12. Hat of names: Jon broods, Zoe

11. Jon's Alarm Goes Off

10. Hat of names(Interlude): Where

9. Hat of names: You never get a

8. Hat of names: An exciting way

7. Athena DeVries

6. Sarah McMillan

5. Three Changes to the Person, P

4. Jon Picks a Name Out of a Hat,

3. Someone At the Front Door

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

Yoga Tutoring

on 10/25/2021 5:15:45 PM UTC
Episode last modified by Marazh-no on 10/25/2021 5:23:09 PM UTC

1598 hits, 169 views, 5 upvotes.

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Sarah was running late to her second-period class, gym. She was sprinting down the halls. Coming around a corner she slammed into a girl scattering her belongings and knocking her to the floor. Now she was going to be late for gym and they were doing volleyball today. She kind of enjoyed volleyball. Groaning she looked over at the other girl and scowled. It was Jen Gibson the little tramp. She always pissed her off. Looking so good but completely squandering it. At least she didn’t look half bad today. She was wearing a pair of purple yoga pants that she had never seen before and an oversized sweater. Getting up she started gathering her supplies.

“Sorry about that let me help you.” Jen’s sweet voice called out.

Sarah was tempted to argue but sighed and accepted the free help. It wasn’t like she was trying to ruin her day. Even though Jen seemed pretty good at doing that a little too frequently to be just chance.

They had finally gathered everything up and Sarah drew herself up to her full 5” 7’ height ready to send a devastating insult to Jen’s way. Thankfully even after Jen’s recent growth spurt, she was still taller. And even then, Jen still looked a bit like an adolescent in her opinion. No matter how well her body had filled out. Either way her advantage in height it much easier to intimidate her. She was stopped from insulting her by meeting her eyes Jen looked genuinely sorry.

“Yeah, sorry about this I don’t think I can hold it anymore…” Jen said apologetically.

Jen looked up, meeting Sarah’s eyes again. Sarah was captivated it look like Jen was fighting a losing battle with something and it seemed like any moment she would lose it.

Sarah opened her mouth to comment on it but was knocked back into her locker by an outflowing of force. She slid down the locker wall legs too weak from the sudden shock.
Sarah’s eyes fluttered open. She looked around; she was propped up against the locker wall in one of the hallways of the school. She couldn't help but notice that she was slightly aroused. That was strange, she always had difficultly getting turned on and now she was just sitting her simmering. She looked up to the clock on the wall. She was 15 minutes late to her gym class and it was a double period today! She tried to get up only to slip back down again.

She quit her second attempt as she heard footsteps from around the corner. A woman came around the corner. She had to be in her mid-20s. She looked familiar somehow. Red hair pulled back in a ponytail, subtle makeup accentuating her natural beauty. She only wore a purple yoga-type sports bra that held in her moderate breasts that did nothing to hide the visible abs peeking through her stomach and a pair of incredibly tight yoga pants that left nothing to the imagination. She seemed to be slightly above average height probably a quarter of an inch shorter than Sarah was.

Sarah pulled her eyes away. She couldn’t lie to herself and say she wasn’t interested but she was too old she had to be a teacher or a TA or someone’s older sister to pick them up because they were sick. Not to mention she swore an oath of abstinence to herself until she graduated high school later this year.

“Here let me help you up.” The woman almost purred. Giving Sarah pleasant tingles. She held out her hand and grunted cutely as she helped her up.

“Thanks, uh why are you here? You’re not going to report me or anything… I have a perfect record.” Sarah couldn’t keep the nervousness out of her voice.

“No, I was just looking for you Ms. McMillian, I notice you were late to our private session. We both know how much effort your family went into securing my teaching skills. I’m number one in the region.”

“Sorry, who are you again.” The woman sighed and a bit of tension released from around her eyes. Sarah was knocked back by a moderate blast knocking her into the lockers. She slid down to the floor.


Sarah groaned shaking her head. She looked up to the clock on the wall. Oh, shit she was 20 minutes late to her double period of gym with volleyball. Her head was still a little fuzzy as a woman she recognized as the Yoga and walking teacher walked up to her. She couldn’t remember her name though as she didn’t have the teacher.

She was statuesque. She had to be about 5” 10’. Gorgeous red hair held back in a ponytail. Succulent lips that had to be oh so kissable. Large breasts barely contained by her purple yoga sports bra. Her toned belly was fully on display and her wide hips led to thick thighs you knew could crush you. She shook herself out of her reverie. She had fantasized about this teacher before and might have even once gotten off to her. But she wanted to be a professional, so she made sure it never happened again. That couldn’t help a slight heat from building in her loins.

“Here let me help you up, Ms. McMillian.” The yoga teacher held out her hands and Sarah felt a pleasant tingle that went straight to her crotch. The teacher hauled her up without even a grunt a testament to her impressive but not obvious hidden strength.

“You’re not going to report me are you, uhh….” Sarah couldn’t keep the bit of a nervous edge entering her voice.

“You don’t recognize your private tutor for yoga?”


She saw the tenseness around the yoga teacher’s eyes relax and she felt something pass through her. Her eyes fluttered closed in response. She felt the heat rise in her body. And she let out a soft moan. Her eyes fluttered open, and she felt a twinge of arousal and embarrassment when she noticed who was standing in front of her, clearly slightly disappointed.

“Oh, sorry Ms. Gibson I don’t know how I could have forgotten our session. I swear I was just on my way.” Sarah quickly let out feeling a little embarrassed. She couldn’t help but flush slightly.

“That’s alright, come on let’s get to my room.” Her teacher said. Sarah couldn’t help but feel a massive wave of relief. If there was any teacher she was afraid of disappointing it was definitely Ms. Gibson.

Ms. Gibson led the way and the heat kept building up in Sarah as she couldn’t keep her eyes off her teacher's ass as it swung seductively back in forth in those super-tight yoga pants. Sarah had to admit that was a small drawback to this class. She got so worked up she would have to find a quiet bathroom to release some of her pent-up energy after each session. Thankfully Ms. Gibson always let her out 10 minutes early, which was always enough time to sort out her problem.

They made their way down a familiar hallway. Sarah had a sinking feeling. This wasn’t right. She walked up to room 306 and she took a quick glance through the window on the door a saw a mess of chairs and desks. That wasn’t right. Everyone knew this was the abandoned classroom where horny teenagers would run off to have sex. Why was Ms. Gibson taking her here?

It seemed Ms. Gibson noticed her confusion. She met her teacher’s eyes and it’s seemed like a bit of tension released from her eyes. Sarah was filled with a wonderful feeling and she couldn’t help but let out a loud moan. She felt her vagina clench. The heat was intense. She felt a bit of fluid leak out of her vagina and run down her leg in full view because she was only wearing a skirt.

She quickly looked down with the objective of mopping it up before her teacher noticed. Only to see that she was wearing green yoga pants… when had she put on… she didn’t own green yoga pan…another wave passed through her. The smallest one yet her eyes only fluttered for a second. She was happy she checked. It seemed with how soaking she was down below none had soaked through her favorite pair of yoga pants. Even more important the teacher wouldn’t notice. She looked back up at Ms. Gibson who was waiting with the door open with a hand beckoning in.

She couldn’t help but notice room number 306. Something didn’t sit right with her when she read that number. A wave passed through her. She moaned in ecstasy and collapsed onto the floor as she orgasmed. Her vision quickly faded to black.
“Ms. McMillian are you alright?” a voice asked.

“Uh, I think so I just tripped.”

Looking up Sarah noticed her yoga teacher, Ms. Gibson. Who was to be too hot to be a teacher. Like seriously there must be a rule or something against that. But apparently, there wasn’t because there she was. Sarah couldn’t help but quickly check her out before glancing around to figure out where she was. Oh, she collapsed right outside room 306. The yoga classroom. That was strange. She wouldn't want to waste any time especially after everything it took her father to get this special arrangement with the teacher. Though she had to admit to herself her interest in the class was hardly academic not that she told her father that. And it wasn't like she didn't try, she still needed good grades for the university she wanted.

No matter she levered herself up to her max height still several inches shorter than the teacher and made her way into the class and had to bite her lip to keep in a moan as she had to go sideways to fit with her holding the door open and ‘accidentally' brushed her crotch past the teacher's wide hips.

Oh, and this class was a double period. She might have to take a 'bathroom break' partway through to ‘relieve’ herself.

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