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4. Next Morning

3. Elsewhere in the house(alt 2)

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Switched Roles

on 2010-12-28 00:46:28

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"Jon! It's time for you to get up! You need to get ready for school!" called a voice from downstairs, waking Jon up from an interesting dream. With a stretch and a loud yawn, Jon got out of bed, grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom for his morning shower.

Just as Jon neared the bathroom, the door opened and the figure of a teenage girl walked out and nearly bumped into him.

"Whoa!" the girl exclaimed, "Jon, you need to wake up some more bro, you'll run into something sooner or later." Jon let out a sleepy mumble, causing the girl - Jon assumed it was his younger sister, Zoe - to laugh and walk around him. Jon reached the bathroom and was about to close the door when his sleepy mind caught up with reality.

'Zoe is a Goth right?" Jon asked himself, "and she has black hair, so why did I just think I saw her with brown hair?'

Jon quickly spun around in the doorway, trying to catch sight of his sister, but he only caught sight of her foot as it disappeared into her room and the door was shut. 'Aw, well,' Jon shrugged to himself and closed the bathroom door, 'I must have been seeing things.'

After his shower and feeling more awake, Jon headed downstairs and went to the kitchen, he could already hear his mom already cooking breakfast and humming to herself. Jon entered the kitchen, sniffed the air - the smell of eggs, pancakes, and bacon cooking made his mouth water - and he turned toward the woman who was busily fixing the morning meal.

"Good morning mo-" Jon's mouth froze mid-word when his eyes landed on the back of the woman who he though was his mom.

The woman turned toward him, lower back length naturally black hair swung around, revealing a pair of bright blue eyes that rest on a very beautiful and perfect face. A very familiar face, only much more mature looking: it was Zoe, his fifteen year old sister. Only now Zoe appeared to be at least thirty and she looked much more... motherly? Jon wanted to say. Even her normally pale white skin was now a modestly dark tan color.

Lush full lips displayed perfectly straight and white teeth in a dazzling smile; which scrunched up her smaller nose and a pair of dimples appeared on her cheeks as a small amount of laugh lines appeared around her eyes.

"Good morning Jon! Breakfast is ready so go ahead and set the table please?" Zoe asked him brightly, that beautiful smile still on her face. Jon couldn't seem to get his mouth to work, so he settled for just nodding his head dumbly.

As Jon began setting the table for breakfast, his eyes continued to glance at Zoe, taking in her body and its changes as well. She was wearing a white cotton bathrobe that she had left undone in the front; underneath, Jon could make out a white camisole and a pair of blue and grey plaid sleeping pants, on Zoe's feet were a pair of black slippers. Even with the robe and Pajamas covering everything, Jon could tell that Zoe's figure was much more mature than it had been before.

She was taller for one; whereas Zoe's original height had been 5'6", she was now 5'10" - five inches taller! Zoe's figure had filled out and gained the curves of a mature and beautiful woman; with her bigger and rounder breasts, her slim waist with a slight bump - well since she's the mother now, she did have three kids! Her legs were longer and toned with thicker thighs, wide child-bearing hips and a plump rear. Her fingers were a tad bit longer along with her nails, which were an inch long and done up in a french manicure; her hands were dainty and they looked slightly worn, but also gentle like.

All in all, Zoe appeared every inch that a maternal figure would look like. But, Jon then began to wonder about something as he finished setting the table and Zoe began placing the food on the table.

'So, this is what the stone considered as something interesting. But, if the wish made Zoe into our mother, what happened to mom?'

Jon was broken from his thoughts by the sound of two pairs of feet entering the kitchen; one pair entering the kitchen at run and wearing sneakers, the second in a casual walk and wearing socks. Jon turned toward the doorway just as his little brother, Mikey, ran into the kitchen followed by the girl he had almost bumped into upstairs.

"Mikey, what have I said about running in the house," Zoe said more than asked in a reproachful tone of voice that reminded Jon of their mother. Mikey froze in mid-step and slowly turned toward Zoe, who was staring at him with an eyebrow raised and her hands on her hips; a wooden spoon in her right hand. Mikey flushed in embarrassment and looked down at his shuffling feet.

"To not to, mom," he then looked back up at her and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry?"

The frown on Zoe's face remained for a few seconds and then turned back into that bright smile Jon was beginning to come to like; it was strangely comforting.

"Alright," Zoe's said with a chuckle, "I will let you off the hook this once you little mister you, but don't let me catch you doing it again, is that understood?"

Mikey nodded his head and said, "Yes ma'am."

Jon continued to stare at the strange scene that had just occurred before him; Zoe really did seem to fit into the maternal role of their family and with a completely different personality from her prior Goth one. 'I'm going to have to be mindful that I don't call her Zoe to her face,' Jon thought to himself, when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Startled, Jon jumped slightly and spun to face the girl who he had last seen standing in the doorway, he hadn't even heard her move. 'Duh, Jon. She is only wearing socks on her feet, of course you wouldn't have heard her,' Jon said to himself. He returned his focus back to the girl, who was now looking at him expectantly like she had said something and was waiting for a response.


The girl sighed and shook her head in annoyance. Her waist long dark brown hair, swinging back and forth with each shake of her head; her chocolate brown eyes sparkled with amusement and the corners of her mouth pulled back into a slight smile.

"I said, hey bro, what are you thinking about?" she said.

"Nothing," Jon said and he then silently cursed himself, he had answered to quickly. The girl gave him a look, glanced at Zoe and Mikey and then leaned in closer.

"Your thinking about Grandfather's stone aren't you?" she asked. Jon's jaw dropped in shock, giving the girl her answer. "I knew it! Alright, what did you do Jon?"

"I... I, uh.... um... I..." Jon stuttered, he had lost control of his mouth once more, 'How does she know about the stone?' he wondered, 'And why does she seem so familiar to me?'

The girl sighed in exasperation and threw her arm around Jon's shoulders, "Jon, come on, you can tell me. I'm your twin sister Linda, remember? You can tell me, I can keep a secret."

It was then, after hearing her name, that the reason why she was so familiar hit Jon: she was his mother, Linda, or she used to be. Now, she was his sixteen year old twin sister. He looked back to Linda to see that expectant expression on her face again.

"Well, I'm waiting Jon. Are you going to tell me or not?" Linda asked.

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