Jon woke up on a beach. Bright sun was hitting him in eyes. There was a lot of people around but nobody seemed to notice him laying unconcious there.
He stood up looking around, what was strange his skin felt very itchy and dry, but he thought it was only sand.
Yet after taking few steps it was becoming more and more disturbing, when he scratched his skin he felt it was dry and thick. He started to scratch it and to his horror a piece of his skin just fall off, like dry mud. He became pale with fear yet he kept scratching himself, causing more and more sking to just crumble and fall off.
Like this wasn't enough, it looked like flesh under his skin started to bulge, streching his skin as it moved under it.
People around acted like they were oblivious to the bulging form of a boy whose face were now streching off like something was trying to get out. Jon whimpered in fear and horror.
Then suddenly his whole body bulged at once and he screamed as his wholebody balooned out to maximum capacity and ...
Jon has literally erupted. When his skin was blown up, Pamela Anderson dressed in Baywatch red swimsuit stood where Jon had been a moment before.