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5. Zoe's Room

4. A Burning Desire

3. Elsewhere in the House

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

From Daughter to Mother

on 2010-07-07 18:13:04

1926 hits, 113 views, 0 upvotes.

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Zoe was laying on her bed, dressed in her ankle length black nightgown, staring up at the ceiling lost in her thoughts. The 16 year old goth girl just stared at nothing with her sky blue eyes, her shoulder length, died black hair laid in waves around her pale face. Her small B cup breasts rose and fell with each breath. To say Zoe hated her life wasn't untrue, but sometimes she wished that her life could be different, she just wanted to be happy for once in her young life. Little did she know her life was about to change.

As Zoe lay there, staring at nothing, she suddenly had the urge to stretch, like her body was feeling cramped. So, she sat up, lifted her arms above her head, arched her back, stuck her legs out ahead of her and stretched. As she stretched, Zoe could feel the tightness in her diminishing; what she didn't know or notice was the fact that her arms and legs seemed to lengthen afew inches, the legs more so than the arms. As her legs lengthened the bottom of her nightgown rose to mid calf and stopped as the growth ceased. Her torso also grew a few inches causing the gown to rise a few more as well. If she were to be standing right now Zoe would have noticed that her height had increased from a 5'3" to a 5'8". Another thing was Zoe's features were taking on a more mature appearance, she now appeared to be about 19 years old.

Zoe let out a sigh of relief from the stretch and relaxed her body. She was about to lay down again when a sudden burst of energy washed over her. Feeling more awake now than tired Zoe placed her legs over the side of the bed--not noticing her feet now touched the floor sooner than before-- and made to stand up. As she did, she grew another two inches, giving her a new height of 5'10". At the same time her breasts swelled a good cup size, becoming small C's. The 21 year old stood there for a few seconds, trying to figure out why she was feeling so strange as she tried to adjust the white cotton bra that had appeared under the grey mid thigh length T-shirt.

'Why does my bra feel so tight?' asked the 25 year old, 'It's almost as if my brea-,' "OH!"

Zoe let out a gasp as she felt a burning sensation from between her toned thighs. The sensation felt wonderful almost...pleasurable?

Zoe placed small, dainty, and long finger nailed hands on her belly, as she was doing that her black hair lightened in color till it was its original light brown. Her hair then grew from her shoulders till it reached the young woman's lower back. At the same time, the 28 year olds pale white skin, darkened until it was a light bronze tan. All the while, the burning sensation continued to grow causing Zoe to moan in pleasure as her breasts grew another two cup sizes, Becoming a pair of DD's that strained against the smaller bra--until that changed into...a nursing bra? that fit-- and strained against the front of the grey shirt.

Twenty-nine year old Zoe let out another breathless gasp as her belly started to swell, along with her hips widening and her rear inflating. Her belly continued to swell till it looked like Zoe was 8 month's pregnant. The sudden adrenaline that Zoe had been feeling left, causing her to let out a tired sigh as she gently lowered herself on to the queen-size bed. The bed had a dark green comforter folded at the foot of the bed, white sheets that looked like they had been haphazardly thrown around, and a pair of feather pillows in white pillowcases at the head of the bed. Zoe slowly rubbed a hand over her pregnant belly as she clicked on the lamp beside her bed.

Zoe's tired eyes took in the white painted walls, the clean carpet floors, the neat and tidy dresser and desk, the family photos that hung on the walls, the doorway into the master bathroom and the white curtains that hung by the window. The young woman smiled softly to herself as she felt the small being within her kick.

"Shh, sweetie its time for you to rest," Zoe whispered soothingly to her belly, "and mommy needs her rest to, so she can get up in the morning. Shh, sleep now..."

She then began to hum a soft tune and tenderly ran her hand in slow, smooth circles over her skin. The furious kicking slowly began to recede, until with a few final kicks, the baby stopped. Zoe continued to hum softly for a few more seconds and then stopped, sighing in relief.

"I can't wait till I can hold you in my arms, sweetheart. I can't wait see your little eyes open for the very first time," whispered the young mother more to herself than the baby, "I bet you can't wait to meet me either, huh?"

Zoe then pulled herself slowly and gently further onto the bed, and leaned back into the pillows with a weary sigh.

"But don't worry, my little angel, that time is coming. Soon you will get to meet your the rest of your family, including your aunt Linda, you remember aunt Linda right?" a gentle kick was her answer, which caused Zoe to laugh softly, "I see you do!" Here Zoe paused for a moment and the smile fell from her face, "I just wish that you could meet your father, he's a wonderful man and mommy still loves him very much, but he left us. He left me, you and your siblings for his secretary, that slut, that bit-OH!" Zoe gasped as the baby kicked again, hard.

Zoe couldn't help but smile as she gently rubbed her belly again, "Your right, I should stop talking about them. They don't mean a thing right now, only you, your siblings and my sister matter the most to me. So sweet dreams, my little girl, I love you..."

While 29 year old Zoe Madison drifted to sleep, another change was occurring to one of her other children...

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