Jon looked down at his hands and suddenly felt disgusted. Yellow mucus dripped from his fingers. He had never sneezed so hard in his life. Fortunately, he was right next to a sink, so he could easily wash his hands off.
After cleaning his hands and turning away from the sink, he suddenly got dizzy. What the heck is wrong with me? he thought, as he fell collapsed to his knees.
"Hey, are you okay?" a boy asked, walking into the restroom with two of his friends. He rushed over to Jon and crouched next to him.
"I ... uh ..." Jon started to say, but then he felt another sneeze coming. "A-choo!" He sneezed right at the boy, covering his face with yellow mucus.
"Yuck!" the boy exclaimed, trying to wipe the mucus off his face, before stopping when he realized that he was touching the disgusting stuff.