"I might have a suggestion," said a familiar voice. Jon turned and was shocked by what he saw. It was his father, Alan. His own father was at a sex change facility!
"What are you doing here?" gasped Jon.
"The same reason you're here, son," said his dad. Alan chuckled. "I suppose I can't call you son anymore. But I'm here for a sex change."
Jon was stunned. "A sex change?" he gasped.
"Well," said Alan. "Not a full sex change. I'm getting a woman's reproductive system and breasts. The rest of me is staying male. I've had the pleasure of being a father. Now I want to know what its like to be a mother. With a partial sex change, I can have the ability to get pregnant, give birth and nurse while still staying male."
"Cool," Pete and the girl formerly known as Trevor said simultaneously. "Mayby I'll do that," said Pete.
"Thanks for your support," said Alan. "Now I've got some paperwork to fill out. Would you three help me pick out my new body?"