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102. Girl World: Karyn's Job

101. Girl World: Rules are Rules

100. Girl World: Sugar Tits

99. An interesting interview

98. Girl World: The Kissing Booth

97. Girl World: Fair Day

96. Girl World: Rescue Relief

95. Karyn's interview

94. Karyn gets dressed

93. Lifesaver Jon

92. Karyn finds something to wear

91. A bumpy flight

90. Waking up on a plane

89. Girl World: Karyn Explores

88. Karyn investigates

87. A day at the beach

86. Kelli's rescuer

85. A Tidy Rescue

84. He Wore an Itsy Bitsy Teeny We

83. Jon cooks breakfast

Girl World: Karyn's Job

avatar on 2018-04-21 23:00:12

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With Mr. Grey gone, Karyn eased herself into the soft leather embrace of the desk chair, leaned back, and rested her feet on the large oak desk. She smiled. This was the life. Had she known that working at a resort was so fun, so relaxing, she would have never wasted her time with the part-time work she did during summer breaks, but instead would have been at Girl World as soon as she was old enough to have a job.

The sound of heels on hardwood snapped Karyn out of her reverie and brought her back to reality. She wasn't entirely sure of what her new job was, but since the interview with Mr. Grey had gone so well, she was confident that it was in some sort of leadership role. Her secretary (she had already begun to think of the tall man in the pink pencil skirt as her secretary) had entered the room with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Miss Black," the man cooed, "I brought your coffee, and wanted to let you know that your next appointment is here."

Karyn watched as the man bent at the waist and placed the mug on a wooden coaster off to her left. The secretary's blouse was cut low. So low that as the man bent, she had a deep view down his shirt, causing her nether regions to grow warm, despite the attention Mr. Grey had given them recently. She smiled, and the man caught her eye and smiled back, a flirty, hungry smile.

Leaning across the desk, Karyn opened a small box and retrieved a large cigar. She had never smoked before, but recognized the box when she had entered the room earlier. Curious about the appeal, yet unsure as to how to start, she handed it to her secretary.

"Light that for me," she commanded.

The man reached over to the box himself, retrieved a small knife, and sliced off a tip from the back of the cigar. Putting the knife back, he then grabbed a silver Zippo lighter in his manicured hand. Straightening, the man locked eyes with Karyn and kissed the end of the cigar with his puffy, painted lips. Karyn wasn't sure how exactly one was supposed to light a cigar, but watching the man put the entire length of the shaft in his mouth, then slowly retrieve it before lighting it made her both concerned and aroused. As the man handed the damp, but lit stogie to her, he blew her a kiss, then wiggled out of the room.

Karyn slipped the cigar into her mouth, enjoying the moist taste, the smokey, burning feeling of taking a drag, and the sense of power smoking it gave her. Yes, Girl World was great, and she couldn't wait to see what else it had in store for her.

"Send them in," she ordered her secretary, eager to get to work.

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