After making sure his parents went to sleep, Jon went back to his room to see if he could try and fix things. Fusing his fighting parents together and then gaslighting them into thinking that they've always been like that might not have been the best thing for their sanity, and that means that they'll probably just fight more rather than make up. Unfortunately, he made the conditions of the wish until they made up and forgave each other. If he wants them to forgive one another, he has to give them as little to fight over as possible. Taking out a paper and pencil, Jon got to work writing out what he thought they needed.
Mom and Dad are able to work in perfect tandem with one another as long as they agree on what they're doing. Not to say that the two of them are always agreeing on what to do or don’t still have to openly communicate with each other. They agree and disagree on things as normal, and when they disagree on things, they have the amount of coordination that you'd expect. But when they are on the same page their coordination is as perfect as if they were one person. Also, as long as they are on the same page, they are able to multitask really well with Mom doing one thing and Dad doing another. This is only in effect as long as they're conjoined.
Mom and Dad can't severely injure one another because of their conjoined form. The two of them pushing and pulling on each other can hurt, but they can't cause any lasting injuries. Also, if at all they would need sharp reflexes to avoid injury (i.e., getting out of the way of a speeding car), they'll always be able to act as one without thinking so that they don't get caught on one another trying to dodge in different directions. This is only in effect as long as they're conjoined.
The longer Mom and Dad stay conjoined, the more pleasurable being conjoined specifically to each other becomes, both emotionally and sexually, maxing out after three weeks. If, after three weeks, Mom and Dad still haven't made up and separated, then the two of them would become so openly fond of being stuck to each other that they could spend the rest of their lives like that and be perfectly happy. If, after two weeks but before the three week max, Mom and Dad haven't made up and separated, then the two of them would develop a permanent sexual fetish to being stuck together with one another. They retain whatever level of fondness towards being conjoined they have after they separate, but those feelings don't grow while separate.
Absolutely no one but I, Jon Gibson, would find any of the above conditions out of the ordinary. No one, not even Mom and Dad, will ever question why they're suddenly so well coordinated, why they can't injure themselves, or why they're becoming more and more fond of being conjoined.
And with all of that written out, Jon grabbed the wishing stone and said, "I wish for the conditions that I have just written on this piece of paper." The stone glowed and caused the words he wrote to light up on the paper. They peeled themselves off the page and floated out of Jon's room and into his parent's room where they phased into his sleeping parents. Looking at the clock, it read 12:27. Not the latest he's been up, but six 'o'clock comes sooner than you expect. Tucking the wishing rock in a secure hiding place, Jon plopped onto his bed and went to sleep, hoping that these wishes would make things better...