The usual post-coital panting lethargy was mingled this time with a strange tingly sensation in most of Karyn's body, and an odd, almost dreamlike sort of wooziness. It couldn't have been explained merely by her being tired, although tired she was; it was almost as if she had fallen ill and gotten the usual semidelirious misery of illness without actually having any noticeable symptoms. It was all very weird and confusing to her; not least because, as rational thought was coming back to her after her orgasmic episode, she was starting to wonder had come over her then. What the fuck was that!? Karyn wondered as she sat back up.
Oh, that would be me. Karyn's thoughts had somehow taken on a new voice in addition to that weird sexual flavoring. Pleased to meet you, sugar~. And thanks for letting me in so easily; some of my more prudish hosts put up suuuuch a fight against my influence, I have to keep them edging for hours! Poor girls, they don't realize it just makes them all that more fun for me to tease~. Despite not making any sound, the voice of her thoughts somehow had a low, sultry, and definitely seductive tone to them, as if spoken by a woman trying to get a man out of his pants, and likely succeeding.
That's not... What the hell am I thinking!? This isn't me! Karyn thought with thoughts that sounded like her own, albeit alarmed. Bolting back to her feet, she looked in the mirror again as if she'd somehow see the answer in her reflection.
Calm down, sugar, you're exactly right. You didn't think those thoughts; I did, thought the seductive voice of her thoughts. Suddenly, Karyn's reflection winked back at her, and Karyn, still topless, was somehow compelled to strike a saucy pose at it and blow a kiss. "Pleasure seeing you, Karyn! I'm your newest and cutest headmate!" she somehow said aloud to her reflection.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" The moment the odd compelling force let her do as she pleased, Karyn's expression went straight from playful to mortified. "I didn't do any of that! I-" but suddenly, Karyn couldn't speak, no matter how much she willed her mouth to move, and her pose relaxed once again.
"Tsk tsk. Naughty girl, you're gonna have to play along with me if you want me to trust you with control of our body again. So you won't freak out on me again, right sugar?" Karyn said to her reflection with a smirk and a shake of the head, all involuntarily.
"Our" body? This is MY body! I don't have to ask anyone's permission to use it! Karyn thought in disgust, though in her shocked confusion at the sudden situation, she found she was asking herself in doubt I?
"You do now, darling," Karyn said, eyes now drifting down to the rest of her body in the mirror. "And yes, our body. This body's now possessed by two distinct spirits, yours and mine, and we're gonna have to share it someway or another. Didn't your mother ever teach you the value of sharing?"
No...? Karyn's thoughts suddenly became curious. Does this new headmate or whatever not know about that? she thought to herself.
A look of confusion came over her reflection's face as it heard Karyn's thoughts, and suddenly Karyn felt something odd happening to her mind somehow. Unbidden, memories of and about her mother were brought to the forefront of Karyn's mind, lingered a while as she recounted details for some reason she couldn't fathom, and then were set back as more memories were recalled.
"Oh... she died when you were very young. I'm sorry, sugar; I didn't know," Karyn said to her reflection in earnest apology, with such a sweetness it would've been hard not to forgive her.
Karyn wasn't so bothered by the mention of her mother, though, as she was at what her headmate had apparently just done. Did you just search my brain!? she thought in amazement.
"I guess you could say that," Karyn said with a shrug.
Well, could you not!? That's kinda really creepy, dude!
"How do you expect I'd know anything about your world, sugar? I just got here, after all."
Yeah, that's another thing: what the heck are you even doing here!? How is any of this possible!?
"I dunno," she said with another shrug.
What do you mean you don't know!? You're the whatever-it-is that came here and possessed me, you know!
"Spirits bound to a mortal body or plane aren't allowed much substantial knowledge of past lives or other planes of existence, sugar. Most of it is veiled on arrival," she explained patiently. "And besides, I'm pretty sure I was summoned here, and hence am not entirely here of my own volition. Also, no, I don't know how I know either of those things; I just do."
...What? Karyn was just confused by now, and for a moment her thoughts were dedicated just to taking everything in. Her headmate seemed for a moment to be absorbed in musings of her own as well.
"Come to think of it, I don't even have a proper name for myself in this plane yet!" Karyn said with a bit of a laugh. With a thoughtful expression, she continued "I suppose I get the rare opportunity to pick out a whole new name for myself! Hmmm... Ephroditus comes to mind for some reason... maybe that was a past life? But nah, doesn't roll off the tongue well. Lilith... sounds good, but... pretentious somehow? Yeah, let's move to something else... Vexilana... maybe Vexilana, but it's a bit long... maybe I shorten it to Vex?" she nodded. "Yeah, that's it! Vex, short for Vexilana. How do you like it, sugar? You can talk now, if you're over your shock, by the way."
Karyn suddenly found she could speak again. Naturally, the first thing she said was "I hate it."
Vex took back just enough control to laugh with Karyn's body. "Vexilana it is, then!" she said with finality. "Look out, world! Vex has just joined the party, and she's ready to party hard!"