Meanwhile, back at the apartment that she shared with her momma, Lashawndra Jones was already hearing rumors from some kids from school that Sarah had gone off the deep-end and was acting all weird and shit. She smiled. It was working. Though part of her kind of felt offended. After all, Sarah was specifically acting like her. And she didn't think of herself as acting "weird". But whatever. She wanted to ruin Sarah's image and it sounded like she was getting what she wanted.
What she didn't realize, though, was that there was a side-effect to the magic incantation she used to create the green stone in the first place. She thought that by touching the stone, a person would have their personality replaced by hers, but that's not what was happening. Instead, the person's personality was being displaced by hers, causing another stone to materialize - a stone imprinted with the person's personality. And if anyone touched that stone, they would unknowingly be taking on that person's personality as well, with their own also being displaced and imprinted on yet another stone that materialized out of nowhere.
So now, somewhere in Lake Point, there were three other stones. A red one with the original personality of Sarah McMillan imprinted on it, a red one with white streaks with the original personality of Susan McMillan imprinted on it, and a lavender one with the original personality of Amber Levine imprinted on it.
But where were they, and who ended up touching them?