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66. Toby and Terri, later that nig

65. A daring rescue!

64. Iridescent Sun: bad things hap

63. The obvious...

62. Iridescent Sun: Unexpected

61. Iridescent Sun: The innocent a

60. MMore school-day events...

59. Iridescent Sun: Tests and Ques

58. What happens...

57. Lots of things happen...

56. Iridescent Sun New morning, ne

55. Back at the TV station...

54. Animated...

53. Iridescent Sun: Foxy survival

52. Toby snaps!

51. Iridescent Sun: sensational r

50. Jay has an ace up her sleeve..

49. Iridescent Sun: Tears of Angel

48. The conversation continues...

47. Iridescent Sun: Television and

Iridescent Sun: Hot Anime loving

on 2011-04-08 01:52:42

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Toby couldn't deny that something had felt very, very good about caught up in Terri's newly strong arms. For the rest of the day, the two of them kept making eye contact, then quickly looking away. Well, usually it was eye contact--she could swear that one time she had caught Terri looking at her breasts.

Is this what it's like being a man, Terri thought. Nothing had ever obsessed her as a woman the way Toby's body did now as a man. Toby's sexy anime body seemed to know how to display its assets to the maximum effect.

Finally, night fell and the kids were off to school. The two of them had fallen into a pattern of going to bed after seeing the kids off, to be rested when they came home before dawn.

As Toby disrobed, Terri reached out to touch her wife's naked breast. It felt funny, smooth, not exactly like human flesh, but Terri wasn't exactly human either, and it didn't feel as weird as it looked in its 2D appearance.

Toby giggled, in a markedly feminine manner. "You like?" she asked.

"I like. I like very much." Terri answered.

Toby reached for Terri's belt buckle. "No fair." she said. "Show me what you got."

Terri blushed fiercely. Toby giggled again. "Oh, my. Don't tell me." She pulled down her lover's pants. Seeing an erect penis in two dimensions was a very odd sight, but one that was sending unfamiliar thrills through Toby's new body. She reached out to touch it.

Being bigger and stronger than Toby was unfamiliar, but a real turn-on for Terri. He scooped his lover up and laid her out on the bed. And all Toby did was smile.

Although Toby and Terri loved each other very much, like many long-term married couples their sex life had become somewhat routine. The fact that they would be making love in new bodies and genders was taking them back to their honeymoon. Terri was worried that he wouldn't be able to fit in Toby, or that he would climax too soon, but worrying was something he was doing with only a tenth of his brain. Most of it was taking in the sexiness of Toby's new body--a body which summed up the fantasies of thousands of anime nerds.

Toby opened her legs. From now on, she thought, this will be the way I make love. Welcoming my lover inside me, not pushing inside myself. So be it.

Terri knelt before Toby. "Ready?" he asked. "Ready." Toby answered.

Terri wasn't worried at all anymore, just overcome with desire. He made love to his wife as the man he was.

Their anime bodies were designed for passionate, pleasurable lovemaking. Toby screamed our her joy, as Terri grunted his.

Passion spent, the two lay curled up in each other's arms. "Thank you." said Toby. "For this?" Terri answered. "For everything." Toby responded.

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