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797. Jeff Unknowingly Accumulates E

796. Iridescent Sun: Tasks of a clo

795. Iridescent Sun: Power and wort

794. Ben learns about Steven's cond

793. Lucas and Robert Go Have Lunch

792. Re-post of the previous one

791. Iridescent Sun: Quiet sunday

790. Iridescent Sun: Morgan and the

789. Iridescent Sun: Fruit and reso

788. Iridescent Sun: Julian's Treas

787. Iridescent Sun: Time and place

786. Exercises in Spellcasting

785. Adam talks it over with her mo

784. Iridescent Sun: Harpy Life

783. X Equals...?

782. Karyn and Jon have a talk...

781. The Impossible, Done.

780. Iridescent Sun: What fate?

779. Lucas's More or Less Ordinary

778. Anneza's mom reflects...

Iridescent Sun: Examples? Oh, There Have Been SO Many...

on 2012-11-27 17:45:05

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Cecilia paused.

"Then again..."

"Yes?" - Said Hawkins.

"Remember how Lucas reacted? At first, I mean?" - Asked Cecilia.

"Yes. You're not thinking of bringing her here to talk to Morgan, I assume?" - Said Hawkins.

"Not at all, we don't know what makes Morgan tick. However, well... Lucas, for all her strangenesses, is thirty. And while quirky, she is sane. However, due to being Brazilian, she has or had a view of agencies like ours that wasn't at all pretty." - Said Cecilia - "Her view of Feds was basically that of a group of people who rolls dice to see what democracy they will overthrow that day in the name of a pissing contest between economic ideologies."

"I think Morgan is a bit too young to know that kind of history, be it in South America or here." - Said Hawkins.

"Still, she may have read some things. For good or for ill, Inkface, being a fed carries a baggage. We won't always be trusted, especially by people who, like her, are involved in big stuff or, like her, wish to bring about big changes to the world." - Said Cecilia.

"So." - Said Hawkins - "We are seen as a tool of an establishment to maintain, assert or force itself due to past events."

"Pretty much, yeah. What we could do that might help us would be to call Lucas and see what made her trust us and look past these events." - Said Cecilia.

"Very well. Can you call her?" - Asked Hawkins.

"On it, Inkface." - Cecilia did so, using her own interface as a speaker phone to let Hawkins in on it.

Lucas's cell phone rang.

"Hello. Oh, hey, Cecilia, how goes? Well... You guys actually helped me prevent the kind of thing I thought people like you would do at the time. I don't trust all Feds, but the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation so far earned my trust." - Said Lucas.

Cecilia said something on the other line.

"Well... She may not because... Let me put it this way. You do realize that there were some instances even in the US in which federal agencies or their representatives went quite a bit beyond the pale? Maybe this girl read about some on Wikipedia or whatever. Regardless, trust is earned. Getting the help of other Magical Girls seems about right, and actually helping them actually fight the beings is one hell of a trust-building exercise. Trust me, I know. It's okay. Buh-bye."

Lunar surface

"You know, sister, I'm REALLY starting to dislike the 'Razor'..." - Said Selene. Or Neruite, or Celine, really - right now she was taking a bit more after her more human or 'Chaotic Good' sides.

"Don't tell Lucas about this yet." - Said Venus - "I really wish to prevent things from getting ugly. I don't know what Lucas might do if she found out."

"They just did. This guy is looking at Ricky as property right now. The only reason I won't tell Lucas about this just yet is that I know exactly what Lucas might do if she found out." - Her face darkened - "And I am not sure I would blame her either. What about Liber?"

"Way ahead of you, I calmed him down. Insofar as I could." - Said Venus - "I did promise him he could take a shot at Jeff when the time comes."

"Which do you think Jeff should worry about more when the time comes?" - Asked Selene - "Lucas or Liber?"

"Yes." - Said Venus, rather darkly.

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