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786. Exercises in Spellcasting

785. Adam talks it over with her mo

784. Iridescent Sun: Harpy Life

783. X Equals...?

782. Karyn and Jon have a talk...

781. The Impossible, Done.

780. Iridescent Sun: What fate?

779. Lucas's More or Less Ordinary

778. Anneza's mom reflects...

777. Adam has a chat with Hannah's

776. Iridescent Sun: Aneeza's pain

775. Lucas Dreams...

774. Iridescent Sun: Beyond the Mir

773. Iridescent Sun: Flights of fan

772. Adam finally takes flight...

771. Iridescent Sun: What do little

770. Language, Lucas!

769. Melanie has a question...

768. Iridescent Sun: equations and

767. The aftermath at the Madisons'

Iridescent Sun: The Power In Language

on 2012-11-16 05:45:56

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Lunar surface, one of Selene's new "training grounds"

"So..." - Said Cass - "We're learning magic? You know, Lucas, if I ever date anyone else, it'll seem very ordinary..."

Lucas, currently animated by Cass's field, chuckled.

"Trust me, my sanity's hanging by a thread as it is."

Selene, right now as Neruite, smirked.

"Here you and she have some connection, but nowhere even near the one you have within your plots... Just enough to be able to 'speak' to reality..." - With that, she made two balls of light appear - "Let's begin with the easy stuff. It's easier to convince reality to turn back to 'normal' than to change. So it stands to reason that undoing magic is easier..." - She said.

"You do realize your caster level is way higher than ours?" - Said Lucas.

"Yup. Doesn't mean I can't make it easier... Plus, y'know, life isn't D&D.; Now... Go ahead and try it..."

Cass looked at "her" ball of light.

"What's your source?" - She asked gently. It was a simple question, which made the ball of light flicker. She went on - "Nothing, huh? Light shouldn't work like this, you know."

With that, the light died.

Neruite nodded.

"Good. Quick and effective. It's a bit specific to a ball of light, though, but the premise is perfect and it can be adapted. Lucas, let's see what you've got."

"May I try something weird?" - Asked Lucas.

"Wouldn't be you if you didn't." - Said Neruite, chuckling.

Lucas walked up to "her" ball of light. She sang.

"It's the Other National Anthem saying, if you want to hear, it says Bullshit, it says Never, it says Sorry, loud and clear!"

At the words Lucas emphasized, the ball of light grew weaker. At the last words, it vanished.

Neruite nodded. "Nice... It's got more general uses, but it took a bit longer than Cass and was, well... Way less discreet."

Lucas chuckled.

"Well, yeah, I don't really think someone singing a song from Assassins is all that stealthy, but I wanted to test a weird theory."

"Yes, you can use both poetry and pop culture to do magic." - Said Neruite - "Okay, you two. I want you to try and craft your own spells. Feel free to use any method that comes to your mind. Just remember that, until you learn to connect with reality, it'll only work here. You can ask me to create anything you wish to target, change and so on as well, and I'll help too..."

Lucas and Cass nodded and began training.

"You know, it's weird being the student." - Said Cass, smirking.

"It's weird not being the class clown." - Said Lucas.

The two toiled away, enjoying their time.

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