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752. Ricky's Turn...

751. Iridescent Sun: Domination cyc

750. Lucas Gives Julian Perspective

749. Iridescent Sun: Pizza

748. Julian Bites Off More than He

747. Iridescent Sun: Ricky reflects

746. Iridescent Sun: Julian the hun

745. Jenny Lilly and Artemis see th

744. Lucas Gets the Implications...

743. Lucas tries to understand the

742. Lucas learns more...

741. Iridescent Sun: Revelation

740. What does the future hold for

739. Iridescent Sun: A period in sp

738. It Turns Out Lucas is Human To

737. Iridescent Sun: E-life

736. The monster is ... where? and

735. Say a Prayer...

734. Read or else...?

733. Meanwhile, in the library...

Iridescent Sun: Rule Thirty-Four Post-Change

on 2012-10-09 04:52:49

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As Lucas was getting ready to leave to Ricky's, Venus suddenly stopped her.

"I'm afraid to ask..." - Said Lucas.

"The pictures got... published online." - Said Venus. - "By Ricky."

"Dammit..." - Said Lucas as she grabbed a phone - "Vamos lá, atende, atende... (1) Ah. Hey, Cecilia. Yeah, it's me. Listen, remember that time I saved the world? Yeah, I need a favor... If you see it as big, I'm calling in that world-saving thing. If not, good..."

"Huh. The wolf-boy is at it again, then?" - Said Hawkins.

"Yeah, yeah. And his idiot friend decided to post pictures online..." - Said Cecilia as she concentrated, invading each PC and altering each picture somewhat so that the faces and bodies of the women weren't recognizable.

"And Lucas didn't ask you to outright delete them?" - Said Hawkins - "Not bad. If they had been deleted, the girls would still lose face. This way there's actual 'proof' that this isn't them..."

"Yeah, she applied the same thought you did. You must be rubbing off on her." - Said Cecilia.

"You flatter my ability to influence people, Cecilia, but I doubt it. How did Lucas react to it?"

"Between condemnation of what the guy did and bewilderment that he can't find changed porn on the Internet. And... Done. All pictures altered in all computers... The pictures weren't printed, copied or moved yet either, I checked."

"Good. Want to go visit this Ricky fellow?" - Asked Hawkins.

"Nah. Lucas said she will." - Said Cecilia.

"And you're going to miss out on watching the show?" - Asked Hawkins - "That is not like you, Cecilia..."

Cecilia smirked.

"Lucas will set up a live feed on her cell phone for us to watch before knocking, Inkface. I've been learning to be thorough..."

Hawkins chuckled dryly.

"Seems I am influencing someone..."

Ricky heard another knock as he was getting ready for school. He looked through the peephole and blushed crimson at the sight of a sexy female angel woman.

Carefully, he opened the door...


He jumped a bit at this.

"E-er... What?"

"First of all, you're a geek that spends most of his time on the Internet and you can't find changed porn? Really? Ever heard of Rule Thirty-four? Second, apparently because some other morons can't either you go ahead and make a business of selling it? REALLY? Also, was it worth it handing over a Playstatuon Three??? Dammit, dude, you've got issues!"

Julian said it was a woman... Oh GOD...

"P-Please don't kill me!" - Screamed Ricky.

"I mean, fuck, you're like I was, only with all the willpower of a goldf... Wait. What?" - Said Lucas.

"E-er... I'm sorry! I learned my lesson, I swear! Don't hurt me!" - Said a clearly terrified Ricky.

"Uhm... Dude. I came here to return your Playstation. What the heck did Julian tell you anyways?" - Asked Lucas.

"He... thought you might torch my house or something."

"Wow. Did I get promoted from translator to arsonist and nobody told me? Cool. Listen. Yeah, I put the scare of a lifetime on Julian. Because he's an asshole. He markets photos of unaware women. And yes, I know that's exactly what you just did. You were being an asshole, but you aren't an asshole, there's a difference. I said you and I are very much alike. Including the fact that I, too, like women. Now. Do you want to be the guy that exposes innocent women to ridicule for petty cash?"

"I..." - Ricky sighed - "I'm sorry..."

"If you are, do me a favor. Delete the pictures. I already took care of the rest. I'm also fucking sure you can find changed porn online. And whatever cash you made, I don't know. Donate to charity or maybe invest in a wardrobe and go out at night."

"But I like... changed..." - he blushed.

"And the moonlight DOESN'T change us into unchanged humans. Before the Sun changed, people still had night lives. Heck, use the Internet to find out some decent place changed like to visit here in Lakeside and you'll be set. Heck, I'd not even rule out stepping into the Sun."

"Thanks... Uhm... I did already buy a new Playstation with part of the cash... And all of the games I had, too..." - Said Ricky.

"Thanks for the new Playstation and for the games, then. Consider the two days or so you'll spend without a PS3 your punishment. Beats the alternative, namely being prosecuted..." - Said Lucas, smiling congenially as she handed over the memory card to Ricky - "Oh, and, if you ever consider fapping to my image, remember I was once a bearded, chubby, nerdy man. Try not to think about that. See ya. And try to get to know some actual changed girls. Not all of us are lesbians, and the ones that are, well, if you step outside for a moment, you might satisfy them!"

"Er... See ya..." - said Ricky.

Lucas smiled and left, her new console in tow.

(1) - "Come on, pick up, pick up..."

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