"So, yeah. I'm a fed now." - Said Lucas, smirking.
"I am glad you seem to have... softened your views on federal workers, Lucas." - Said Maxwell.
"Well, it seems Hawkins' agency is made up of nice feds. Plus their scope isn't exactly 'couping out leaders we don't like', y'know." - Said Lucas.
"Fair enough." - Said Maxwell - "You seem remarkably... Sane given your experiences. If you don't mind me saying it."
Lucas chuckled. "It helps that I was already a bit unhinged. Plus, I'm pretty sure Neruite's helping somehow."
"Incidentally, Lucas... A sword that can cut through fate... Do you know the goddess Ananke?" - Said Maxwell - "Or Necessitas?"
"Uhm, not really. Why?" - Said Lucas.
"Ananke is the goddess of fate. Necessitas is her Roman counterpart." - Said Maxwell - "Since Greek and Roman gods seem to be real, it is possible you may end up meeting her..."
"Oh crap, she's gonna want my head on a pike..." - Said Lucas, uneasily.
Maxwell chuckled.
"Unlikely. To hold this power was, after all, your fate. And besides, she is not an evil goddess by any means. In fact, she may well thank you for allowing all other fates to keep coming. Maybe you should ask Neruite about her?" - Said Maxwell, politely adapting Selene's name to how Lucas called her.
"I suppose, yes. I mean, assuming she's awake. Any more of her friends you'd have her introduce to me?" - Said Lucas, chuckling.
"Yes, actually." - Said Maxwell - "Liber and Libera. They are Roman deities of freedom. It may well be that you end up having some great rapport..."
"Liber... It means 'One who is free', or 'The free one'." - Said Lucas - "The same goes for Libera, only in the female gender. Latin has..."
"Gender differences, child, I know." - Said Maxwell, smiling - "I spent seven years studying Latin..."
"You're a living, breathing library, Max. I suppose the only field of knowledge I'd beat you in would be RPGs..." - Said Lucas.
"Oh, I don't know. I did, after all, enjoy many afternoons with Ernest back in the day." - Said Maxwell.
"Ernest?" - Said Lucas, blinking.
"Ernest Gary Gygax." - Said Maxwell - "I wonder how he would react to seeing the world like this..."
"You. Played. With. Gary. Gygax???" - Said Lucas - "The father of RPGs. You played with him? The one that even allowed me to think of a Neruite in the first place? You played with Gary. Gygax? THE Gary Gygax? The First Dungeon Master?"
Maxwell chuckled softly. - "I was waiting for the right moment to bring it up. Priests are not dead to the world, child. We are allowed a social life. To be sure, however, it has been a while. I stopped playing some ten years before Third Edition."
Lucas smirked.
"You still played with Gary Gygax. That's like me telling you I celebrated a mass with, well... Saint Peter."
Maxwell chuckled softly.
"And much like Christianity, I am sure RPG changed between then and now."
"It always does me good to meet you, Maxwell. It always reminds me that there is someone more awesome than me right here." - Said Lucas, smirking - "I have to go, though."
"Life is made to be experienced, Lucas." - Said Maxwell, smiling - "And this one experience gives me the authority to say you are not Chaotic Neutral. You are Chaotic Good."
"Oh, shush." - Said Lucas, blushing as she opened a portal to the Moon - "See ya."
"Until next time, child..."
Lucas entered her space.
Maxwell chuckled contentedly to himself, enjoying the breeze and the world of which he was, now more than ever, a part.
You overestimate me, Lucas. - He thought - I am no more and no less 'awesome' than any other being on this planet...