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728. Lucas Goes Merc

727. Who you gonna call?

726. "Die Hard" In A Library

725. Iridescent Sun: Silent magic

724. At the Agency...

723. Iridescent Sun: Secrets

722. Adam faces her future...

721. Iridescent Sun: Natural develo

720. Jon and Mikey talk...

719. Lucas and Cass are invited on

718. Iridescent Sun: Two, Fours, Si

717. Lilly finds out where she stan

716. Iridescent Sun: Dark voices

715. Adam talks to a ship...

714. Iridescent Sun: Three little m

713. A Leak...

712. Iridescent Sun: Memory overflo

711. Melanie dreams...

710. A bit more on Lucas's nature..

709. Lilly has a dream about her li

Iridescent Sun: Merc with a Mouth, But Still Without a Surname

on 2012-08-30 05:14:34

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"Well, would I be able to work from home, etecetera, etecetera?" - Said Lucas.

There was another wry chuckle.

"You know, Hawkins told me how proud you were to be a freelance, and how focused you were on that. Any ties you have to us, Lucas, will be only pro forma, yes. In fact, the contract drafted specifically states that you can work from home, can accept or refuse jobs and so on. Essentially, it's a contract that makes it clear that, for however long you wish, you are working for us strictly as a freelance translator, and for rates agreed upon between us, in this case the normal rate being your twenty-five cents a word. It comes with a benefit..." - Said Fields.

"Oh?" - Said Lucas.

"A Green Card. As you can imagine, we can put the wheels in motion if need be rather easily."

"Wow. You guys would pull the strings this far for me?" - Said Lucas.

"It's an EB-4 Green Card, for US government workers. So it's all within the rules." - Said Fields.

"Nice... So... I'll officially be a fed?" - Said Lucas.

"More or less. You will not officially be an agent, but, in the sense of 'works for a federal agency", I suppose you will." - Said Fields - "Of course, you must be selective regarding the people you tell this to."

"Cool. I accept." - Said Lucas.

"I figured you would. The contract is on my desk. Feel free to sign it." - Said Fields.

Lucas read it, making sure the clauses guaranteed her freelance status, asked Fields some questions, and signed both copies, smiling.

"So... Now I'm a freelance translator, I'm a mercenary and I'm a fed, all wrapped up in a lean, sexy angel package?" - Said Lucas, giggling, to Cass.

"Your client didn't hang up just yet, you know." - Said Fields, laughing.

Cass giggled and kissed Lucas.

"Sorry, Director Field. Guess you'll have to accept the fact that Lucas may not be Deadpool, but is a Merc with a Mouth..."

"Fair enough." - Said Fields, chuckling - "If you wish, Lucas, you can take your copy to the Citizenship and Immigration Service. Just give me your full name and I'll send them word by e-mail so that you get your Green Card today. Also, the Extraordinary Work clause refers to the more... physical parts of your job."


Lucas gave Fields her full name. But not to you, reader, so you'll have to be kept in the dark about this most meaningless of mysteries.

"Huh. You know, if I knew I'd get a new client that pays well and a Green Card, I'd have saved the world years ago!" - Said Lucas, giggling as she and Cass left the USCIS, Green Card in hand.

Cass smiled.

"Seems we met the nicer Feds, huh?"

"Yeah." - Said Lucas, smiling - "So, what now?"

"Well, we could actually sightsee around DC..." - Said Cass.

Lucas smiled. "Sure."

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