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710. A bit more on Lucas's nature..

709. Lilly has a dream about her li

708. Shi and Lucas Talk

707. Anneza goes to the bar.

706. Iridescent Sun: Melanie's even

705. Iridescent Sun: Anneza's eveni

704. The Viral Proliferation...

703. Mikey confronts Becca...

702. Shi is Reinstated

701. Iridescent Sun: Ruth and Selin

700. Effie and Dennis work on that

699. Iridescent Sun: Friends made

698. Party On...

697. Jon's circle debates what to d

696. Iridescent Sun: Brittany debat

695. The Party Goes On

694. Hawkins mingles

693. Iridescent Sun: The Enemy Refl

692. Hawkins and Cecilia try to fig

691. Anneza catches up with her fat

Iridescent Sun: Anime Rules: Meant to be Followed!

on 2012-08-07 21:31:08

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Lucas suddenly paused.

"Wait a second... Hawkins has that nigh-supernatural focus of him. Lilly's a kid... But... Why didn't I get harmed? Do you mean to tell me I have... magical power? Because my sword isn't... I mean, I shouldn't be..."

"Your sword is part of you, Lucas. Besides, you yourself remember how you changed Shi's fate without using it. Magic, as defined by you, is a force of uncertainty in many aspects. What is more certain than fate? What is more meaningless to you, Lucas, than fate?" - Said Neruite.

"While the idea of having magic makes me very happy, the idea of being... a being of uncertainty... Like them..." - Said Lucas.

"Magic is a force of uncertainty, but you are not of uncertainty, Lucas... Or of certainty." - Said Neruite, slowly. She sighed. She didn't really want to reveal this much this early - "You must understand something, Lucas. Of course, the beings created and affected by certainty and uncertainty affect you. But the forces themselves, the forces of certainty and uncertainty, they do not apply to you."

"Come again?" - Said Lucas - "Neruite, you said these laws apply to everyone. That's like saying the laws of physics do not apply to someone! Or like saying the laws of biology do not."

Neruite smiled lightly.

"Or like saying causality works differently with Cass. Indeed, there are cartoon-changed to whom the laws of physics do not apply in the same way. And certainly biology does not apply in the same way to most android-changed..."

"Point. So, there should be other people that aren't affected by these forces?"

Neruite paused.


Lucas was about to reply.

"Yo. Angel." - Said a voice. Lucas and Neruite were both suddenly anime-rendered.

Lucas looked back and saw Cass, smirking.

"You do know that in animes, after the good guy saves the Universe, parties, rests and finishes discussing things with their old master, er, no offense, Neruite, they get the girl, right?" - Said Cass.

Neruite smirked.

"None taken, I am older than mankind itself. And I do think the two of you deserve some time for yourselves. I'll see you later, Lucas."

Lucas smiled. For inside she was still very much an otaku male, and, well, when a sexy anime woman offers to reward you intimately for saving the world, the notions of certainty and uncertainty become just a bit meaningless.

"Laters, Neruite."

Cass pulled Lucas through the rift she had opened and pushed a very happy currently animated angel on the bed.

"My moonscape. My rules." - She smiled.

Lucas would soon find out what that statement meant, but, basically, it meant that Lucas's night was far from over, and that sometimes - sometimes - it is quite pleasant to be at someone else's mercy...

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