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704. The Viral Proliferation...

703. Mikey confronts Becca...

702. Shi is Reinstated

701. Iridescent Sun: Ruth and Selin

700. Effie and Dennis work on that

699. Iridescent Sun: Friends made

698. Party On...

697. Jon's circle debates what to d

696. Iridescent Sun: Brittany debat

695. The Party Goes On

694. Hawkins mingles

693. Iridescent Sun: The Enemy Refl

692. Hawkins and Cecilia try to fig

691. Anneza catches up with her fat

690. PAR-TAY!

689. Sakura is Born

688. The final name is given


686. The creature's weak spot

685. Taking a quick look back...

Iridescent Sun: It Sounded Much More Ominous In The Link, Innit?

on 2012-08-01 08:44:53

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The 10-minute edited video of an angel woman playing an increasingly desperate chess game with the Grim Reaper - only to have said Reaper utter a Terry Pratchett line and let her live - was but one of millions and millions of Youtube videos. No videos linked to it at the moment, and, this being Youtube, it would likely remain this way. It was destined to nothing special on its own. In the hours since it was posted, it had amassed a total of six views.

"You know, for a nerdette, that angel can throw a party!" - Said Cecilia.

"To be sure, her omnipotence within that area helps. Did you enjoy the... flavor files?" - Said Hawkins.

"They were great! I'll even upload them online..." - Said Cecilia.

"I doubt Lucas would mind it at all, but make sure to remove their identification." - Said Hawkins.

"Already done. By her, no less. Any info on the origin of these files, no matter what I use to decrypt it, comes up 'Stop being nosy!'." - Said Cecilia.

"Sounds like her." - Hawkins seemed to chuckle softly - "I don't think she understands... I myself have yet to fully grasp it. We saved the universe, Cecilia... The three of us saved the universe."

"Not that I don't like to be included, Inkface, I do, but what exactly did I do?" - Said Cecilia.

"Lucas and I met because of you. This allowed her not to have to face that... thing alone. Plus you helped with Lilly. You also played a part in it, Cecilia..."

"Thanks, Inkface..." - Said Cecilia, smiling - "So... How do you think the brass will react when they hear of Ms. Holy Warrior from the Moon?"

"Hard to say." - Said Hawkins - "They will likely want to talk to her, but I will tell them it will be only if and where she wishes. Not that I think she'll refuse. As for rewards, Lucas clearly isn't interested in money, and a parade isn't her style. So, if anything, it will be whatever Lucas and the brass agree upon. Who knows, we may even end up 'owing her a favor'..."

"We'll know she's calling it in if we ever receive orders to fill a dictator's house to the brim with banana cream pie laced with C-4 and blasting caps. Or if we see the Dr Pepper Snapple Group receiving major and unjustified incentives to invest in Brazil." - Said Cecilia, chuckling.

"I imagine so. However, I will take the liberty of seeing to it that she gets at least one thing I know she would like... If you would help, Cecilia."

"I'm listening." - Said the robot woman.

The 10-minute edited video of an angel woman playing an increasingly desperate chess game with the Grim Reaper - only to have said Reaper utter a Terry Pratchett line and let her live - was one of the current stars among millions and millions of Youtube videos. About thirty percent of the Youtube videos now linked to it, and it had amassed over a million views in the few hours since it was posted. Its huge success was caused by a sudden influx of links to it from everywhere on the Internet, including YouTube itself.

Rachel entered her house, still a bit giddy from it all. A huge party on the friggin' Moon, in which she got to have a taste of the food and drink of the gods. The owner (!) of the place, a completely crazy angel of vengeance, had been one of the people responsible for making sure time kept moving. She got to chat with Selene, Aphrodite and Hermes of the Greek mythos. It sounded like a story one might tell if they were wearing a white shirt with very long sleeves.

"Hey, Rach. Where have you been?" - Said her father.

"Oh, just to a party with David and some angels." - Said Rachel, smiling.

"Cool." - He said - "Did you have fun?"

Rachel paused for a moment and found a good answer for that one.

"Like you wouldn't believe." - Said Rachel, now smiling a very impish smile, as she went to her room.

Lucas was relaxing on her space, still a bit numb to all that had happened.

"I hope I am not interrupting, Lucas? I have to finish some business with Selene, but I came by to tell you something."

"Not at all, Hermes. What is it you need? Any apocalypse I have to prevent?" - She said, giggling.

"Not at all." - Said Hermes, smirking - "I enjoy seeing you cross back and forth the line between humility and hubris, by the way."

"To be sure, I was mostly kidding." - Said Lucas, blushing.

"I know. But I come to deliver you some news that you will likely enjoy. Before you ask, I didn't do it. Well... I did do some of it, but I didn't initiate it. Check the URL for that video of yours."

Lucas did.

"Kyahahahaha! It went VIRAL! Nice!!! Who did this? It had, like, six views! It's got over a MILLION now!"

"Well, let us see. Among those who know of your recent endeavors was a robot woman with a lot of skill in manipulating data, and who knows she owes you a debt. And her partner, who also knows he owes you a debt. Both of them were aware you made this video and are smart enough to know fame is one of the things you want..." - Said Hermes, smirking.

"Hawkins and Cecilia. Cool! Thanks for the news, Hermes." - Said Lucas.

"You are quite welcome." - Said Hermes, smiling as he left.

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