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44. Friday morning

43. Work, Thursday

42. Daycare, Thursday

41. Early rise

40. Makeup

39. Biff's evening

38. Getting ready for bed

37. Bathtime

36. Jogging

35. That evening

34. Daycare

33. Arriving at work

32. Breakfast

31. Comforting

30. Biff gets dressed

29. Next morning

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

Friday morning

on 2021-08-06 10:44:24
Episode last modified by belchest on 2021-08-06 19:38:16

1006 hits, 102 views, 0 upvotes.

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While Biff slept, his body was changing. His arms and shoulder lost some of their bulk, becoming much more delicate and thin. His facial features softened ever so slightly, becoming more feminine but still looking like his face. The most noticeable physical change was the mass of blonde hair which grew out while he slept. It was shoulder length and silky smooth and much thicker than his usual hair. His vocal chords tightened up considerably and he would soon find that his voice was much softer, with a higher pitch than he was used to.

Jon's changes were less substantial than Biff's. Like Biff his voice raised in pitch and the muscles in his mouth and the shape of his teeth changed. He would be sounding much more like the baby everyone saw him as. He would find it harder to pronounce words correctly although mentally, he could still form sentences the same. In a reverse of his previous changes, Jon was given back some of his bladder control. He was still a long way short of his previous control but he now had a fighting chance at potty training, if he was mindful of reading the warning signs.

Jon was first to wake and he felt something he hadn't felt since he had first been thrust into this life. His diaper was dry and dhe felt a pressing need to pee. Jon couldn't believe it, this was his chance to get out of these torturous diapers and start to get some of his independence back. He stood up in his crib. His reduced height still made it impossible for him to get out of the crib without help and really wanting to avoid using his diaper for the first time in days he had no choice but to shout for Biff to wake up and come and get him.

It didn't take long for Biff to stir. He could hear a sqheeky babies voice calling out repeatedly, "Biff, Biff, Mommy, wake up. I need go potty."

The first thing Biff saw when he opened his eyes was a Web of blonde hair blocking his vision. He sat up quickly, feeling his chest jiggle as he did so. He brushed his hair back behind both ears and got out of bed quickly to go and see what Jon wanted. He sauntered out of his room and into Jon's, not bothering to put on a dressing gown to cover up his pajamas. As he entered Jon's room he said in a soft, high pitched voice, "What's wrong sweetie?" He stopped himself and reached one hand up to rub his throat. He coughed to try to clear his throat, a much higher tone of cough than he was used to. He tried again, "What's wrong?" Again, he heard that altered voice coming from his mouth. He coughed again and trying his best to lower his voice, repeated the question. This last attempt sounded ridiculous. Like a woman doing a bad impression of a man. It wouldn't fool anyone. Giving up his attempts for now Biff ignored his new voice and turned his attention to Jon.

Jon was bouncing up and down at the railing of his crib, chatting excitedly about how his diaper was dry and he needed to go but wanted to use the toilet for the first time in days. Jon's voice, like Biff's was in a higher octave and he seemed to be having some trouble pronouncing some words. Biff asked Jon to calm down and tell him clearly what he was trying to say.

Jon was squirming back and forth and squeezing the front of his diaper to try to hold back his pee. He looked up at Biff and calmly tried to explain to him. "My diapee...its dry. Me need to pee... Wanna use potty... Keep diapee dry."

Biff finally got the message and sensing the urgency in Jon's voice, reached down and lifted him out of the crib. Jon felt much heavier to Biff than he had yesterday but he looked the same size. As Biff held Jon to his chsst, he looked down at his arms. They were much smaller than yesterday and even looked kind of delicate. The skin on his arms was smooth with the faintest sign of hair. Feeling under his arm with one hand he found his armpits were now completely hairless too. Biff carried Jon into the bathroom and removed his diaper for him. Jon was too short to pee into the toilet now so he quickly climbed up and sat on the seat. As he started to pee Jon clapped his hands and giggled in his new baby voice,delighted to finally be using the toilet after relying on his diapers for so long. Biff was encouraging Jon, telling him what a big girl he was now. While Jon did his business on the toilet, Biff used this time to wash his face. He noticed some subtle differences in his face, his lips looked plumper and his nose was a tiny bit smaller. His chin was less pronounced and his cheekbones looked slightly different which made his eyes look a fraction bigger.

When Jon announced he was finished Biff handed him some toilet roll and told him to wipe himself. He told him again how proud he was of him for gmusing the toilet. Jon seemed visibly giddy at the achievement. Finished in the bathroom for now Biff went to his room to get dressed for the day, not minding Jon coming along to keep him company.

Jon sat on the bed in just his nightie for now. He was delighted not to be wearing a diaper for once but Biff quickly reminded him he'd still have to wear one to daycare, just until he proved he could get to the toilet everytime.

Today being Friday Biff knew his office had a casual Friday policy. He decided he could relax his choice of clothes for once. He selected a pair of jeans and a nice top. The top was sleeveless which would show off his new graceful arms and dhe wouldn't have to worry what anyone thought about his hairy armpits. Picking out a set of underwear and some socks, Biff took off his pajamas, not bothering to sheild himself from Jon as he did. Jon got a full view of Biff's now naked body. He ignored his penis, his gaze being drawn to Biff's big boobs. Ignoring Jon's stares Biff proceeded to dress himself. He put the panties on first and then pulled the jeans up his legs. They were tighter than his usual jeans and he had to wiggle his hips a bit to get them on over his butt. Jon enjoyed the view of Biff's boobs jiggling as he did this. Biff closed up the button on his jeans and pulled up the zipper, hiding the pink panties he had put on behind the denim. Next came the bra followed by the top. Biff twirled for Jon, asking him how he looked. Jon replied honestly, "vewwy pwetty." Biff smiled as he brushed and then tied his hair up in a tight bin, surprising himself with how easily he did that. He put on a little bit of makeup, noticing how much better the lipstick looked on his plumper lips. Finishing off with two earrings, Biff felt ready to face the day. He picked Jon up and brought him into his room to get him dressed for daycare.

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