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16. A Much Deserved Bath

15. Jonnie-Bot Maid is Staying

14. (A matter of processing power)

13. Robo-Maid Awaiting instructio

12. Obeying the Law

11. a robot

10. "It's okay..."

9. A place to stay

8. The edge of town.

7. "...that Jon were wearing a sa

6. Of course it's a ...

5. Subject to Normal

4. Flight of Fancy

3. Morning Dispute

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

A Much Deserved Bath

on 2018-04-18 07:55:51

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After a couple hours of watching tv, Karyn decided to check up on the progress of her Robo-maid. She giggled to herself as she checks various rooms of the mansion while thinking along the way... (I have to make sure there aren't any leftover lazy remnants of Jon. It wouldn't do for him to be hindering it's work, he always tended to slack off when I wasn't looking..)

Karyn was impressed however after finding that the rooms her bot had cleaned were practicaly spotless. As she continued through the Mansion she eventually stumbled upon the Jonnie-Bot still meticulously following its cleaning programming...Seeing how much progress it had made, she flashes her maid a proud smile and stated..." Maid, you've done very well. Now go prepare me a nice warm bath." Same as before Jonnie-Bot curtsied as it stated " Yes Mistress Karyn." and made its way to make preperations.

It didn't take long for Karyn to arrive, and as she entered the room she was pleased to see Jonnie-Bot bowing after robotically waiting for her by the door.
" Now then hurry up and undress me, it's freezing!" Karyn observed the metalic beauty, looking one last time for any signs of her former friend. The maid simply complied with its masters request however, and quickly and efficiently stripped off her clothing without blinking an eye. Not even when it got to her bra and panties was there so much as a blush, something the former Jon wouldn't have dreamed of being able to do.
Karyn beamed with delight as she entered the tub, satisfied that all signs of Jon were currently nonexistent. She did of course intend on turning him back once she fully settled in the mansion, but while she knew it was wrong, she did take delight in the feeling of absolute obedience and having something nobody else had in her possesion. Not even the richest people to her knowledge had this kind of ahead its time technology, ( I do intend to turn him back eventually, but really, what harm could a couple of months do! I'm sure Jon won't mind! and with the stone I can change reality so that he won't be missed, or even temporally remembered for as long as I want...)

After time spent thinking, and a relaxing half an hour or so Karyn decided it was time for bed and preceded to have her robot maid clean her off with a towel. At this point she is practically fine with thinking of Jon as simply an inanimate object that has no will of it's own, and more of a deeply cherished toy she now has the fortune of owning. The pair preceded to the newly made bedroom, and as Karyn pulled up the sheets and entered the bed, one look at her sexy little bot was enough to prolong sleep for just a bit longer. With some naughty thoughts in mind she grabbed the stone and whispered a wish. It was at that moment that Jonnie suddenly started to contort, as it's arms and legs retracted into it's body, slowly it's head changed shape as well to more of a mushroom like form as the rest of it's form also shrank quickly in size. A few minutes later of changing and the maid bot was now a 7" vibrating metallic dildo now ready for its mistresses use.

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