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65. Biff visits Miss Fine

64. Sarah Breaks Up with Biff

63. Karyn is Noticing Things

62. Karyn's morning (alt)

61. Jon's cooking breakfast

60. Sarah explains

59. Biff Doesn't Get It

58. Sarah's morning

57. Miss Fine makes a suggestion

56. Zoe's new reading material

55. Jon returns

54. Trust Exercise

53. calming things down

52. Linda's outburst

51. Mikey comes Downstairs

50. Jon?

49. Jon Takes Charge (Alt)

48. Linda Gets a Gift

47. Maturity is the Theme

46. A session with the Gibson's

Miss Fine: Biff Visits Miss Fine

avatar on 2016-11-19 16:29:54

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Miss Fine looked up when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in" she said reaching for her tablet.

Biff poked his head around the door. "Are you Miss Fine?" He asked.

"Yes of course. Please take a seat." Miss Fine replied pointing to the chair in front of her desk. "And you are?"

"Biff" he replied.

"Ah Sarah's boyfriend am I right?"

Biff shrugged his shoulders. "Ex I guess now" he replied.

Miss Fine feigned a gasp of surprise. She knew this would happen. "What happened?" She asked.

"Well actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about." Biff started.

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