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274. Athena spots Karyn

273. Hall Spotting

272. Meanwhile with Athena

271. Miss Fine; Linda feels her ag

270. Linda's age

269. Questioning

268. On the way to Miss Fine's offi

267. Linda Has An Outburst, Again (

266. And You Thought the DMV was Bo

265. Zoe and Linda arrive at school

264. an appointment with Miss Fine

263. Her Friends?

262. Karyn arrives at school

261. Errands

260. Jon's morning

259. Karyn wakes up in Sarah's bedr

258. Sarah with Karyn's Friends

257. Sarah Black

256. Alex's first day at school

255. A morning at coach Williams's

Miss Fine: Athena Spots Karyn

avatar on 2016-12-17 14:17:29

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Sarah McMillan...hanging out with Karyn's friends...she was even dressed like Karyn.

So where was Karyn?

Athena was about to try and catch up with Zelda and Jay when she saw Karyn coming out of a classroom. Athena did a double take. Karyn was wearing Sarah's clothes.

"What are you wearing?" Athena asked Karyn once she caught up with her.

"Oh this?" Karyn replied gesturing to her clothes. "It's a long story." She didn't really want to have to explain that she got left at Sarah's house.

Athena nodded raising an eyebrow. "So anyway." She started, changing the subject. "I saw something weird this morning."

Athena told Karyn what she had seen with Zoe and her mom. "I think it's Miss Fine again.

Karyn shook her head. "I'm not sure Athena. I mean Rebecca might be a part of something but she's actually a really nice person once you get to know her."

Athena was confused. "Rebecca? You've been to see her haven't you?"

"Well she came over while I was at Jon's house last night so I couldn't really avoid her." Karyn explained. "She then offered me a lift home and said that I should come and see her this morning." Karyn decided to leave out the bit about Sarah's house.

"What did she say?"

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