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267. Linda has an outburst, again

266. And You Thought the DMV was Bo

265. Zoe and Linda arrive at school

264. an appointment with Miss Fine

263. Her Friends?

262. Karyn arrives at school

261. Errands

260. Jon's morning

259. Karyn wakes up in Sarah's bedr

258. Sarah with Karyn's Friends

257. Sarah Black

256. Alex's first day at school

255. A morning at coach Williams's

254. Planning out the Day

253. Miss Fine's morning

252. Checking on Mikey

251. Peeking Through the Cracks

250. It's Friday

249. An unexpected encounter

248. Night Night

Miss Fine: Linda Has An Outburst, Again

avatar on 2016-12-14 16:33:26

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After a few moments, Zoe got her ID. "That's a great picture of me. My last one came out so washed out," she said, showing it to Linda.

Linda looked at it. There was something odd about it she couldn't quite place.

She got her own ID a few seconds later, and looked at it. Then, something hit her about it.

"Hang on" Linda said.

"What is it Mr Gibson?" The woman asked sounding rather bored.

"There must be some mistake." She said not noticing that she had been called "Mr".

"I'm 45." She pointed out. "This says I'm 14." She held up her card. The woman shrugged her shoulders.

"Linda, will stop acting weird? You're my younger brother and 14."

Confused Linda took Zoe's card out of her hands.

"Hey!" Zoe cried out as she tried to take it back.

"You're 16!?" Linda asked her shocked. "Tell me Zoe, do I look 14 to you?" She asked gesturing to herself.

Zoe shook her head. "I think we need to go and see Miss Fine." She said taking Linda's hand and practically dragging Linda out of the room.

The woman watched them leave and sighed. "Teenagers" she muttered to herself.

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