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245. Sarah's new mom

244. Karyn Who?

243. Sarah Black

242. Familiarity

241. Miss Fine and Sarah

240. House Call

239. Mrs. Black Feels Bad for Sarah

238. An encounter with Mrs. Black

237. Where is Sarah?

236. Karyn tries on Sarah's stuff

235. The Room

234. Brain Attic

233. Tiffany discovers Doctor Who

232. At home with coach Williams

231. Sarah's room

230. Wrong house

229. Driving Miss Karyn

228. Leaving with Miss Fine

227. Tell Me Your Plan

226. Miss Fine: what do you want?

Miss Fine: Sarah's New Mom

avatar on 2016-12-10 19:14:53

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"You don't know anyone named Karyn. Your daughter's name is Sarah. You are very tired, and will go to bed after I leave."

Bethany nodded as they entered the room. She went over to Sarah and pulled her in to a hug. "I'm sorry about earlier honey." She said soothingly. "I guess you just gave me a bit of a surprise. I wasn't expecting you to be home."

Sarah looked at Miss Fine over Bethany's shoulders and the woman nodded, smiling.

"That's OK." Sarah said. "Mom." She finished.

Bethany released the hug and then turned to Miss Fine.

"Thank you for coming over Miss Fine. I hope it wasn't too much trouble." She said.

Rebecca shook her head. "Oh it was no trouble at all. I'm happy to help. Call me Rebecca." She extended her arm and Bethany shook it.

"Well Alex and I must be off." She said as she turned to leave. "Come along sweetie."

Alex slid off the sofa and took Rebecca's hand as they headed out the house.

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