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17. Getting some coffee

16. Walking the mall

15. Sandwich shop

14. Walk to the strip mall

13. Getting ready to go out

12. Taking in the new feminine sen

11. Turning Jon into a sexy girl

10. Two weeks

9. Gary wants Jon to try out bein

8. Testing the limits

7. Just like a girl

6. Jon's ID

5. Blank Card

4. The Oddest Dream

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Into Starbucks

on 2021-05-30 03:03:14
Episode last modified by yellowlines on 2021-05-30 03:43:59

3159 hits, 264 views, 2 upvotes.

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"You can't walk around the mall like that!" Laurie gasped as Jon came walking back out of the changing room.

"I can't?" Jon asked in confusion. "But like, why not?"

"That's so inappropriate!" Laurie exclaimed.

"Not for her," Gary said, grinning. "It's actually perfectly acceptable for a sexy young girl like her to wear something like that in public, even though it isn't common. Her confidence is inspiring."

Jon glared at him. In his mind, he agreed with the girl at the counter. But then Laurie's eyes glazed over for a second, and she nodded.

"You're right... I don't know what I was thinking..."

"Like, Laurie? Are you okay?" Jon asked.

The girl nodded, blushing again when she realized the beautiful 18-year-old was leaning over and looking into her eyes with a concerned expression.

She's so beautiful... Laurie thought.

"Yeah... Um, I'm okay," she said. "Thanks for asking."

An airy grin returned to the girl's face and she bounced back on her heels. "Just wanted to like, make sure! You like toootally spaced out there for a minute!" She giggled.

"Hey," Laurie said as the two started walking away. "Would you maybe, uh... Want to hang out some time?"

Jon's face lit up. "Like, duh! Gosh, I'm so happy you asked! You're so pretty?"

The girl looked away, embarrassed, but the two exchanged numbers and Jon happily hummed as he and Gary walked through the mall, shopping bags in hand.

The boy shook his head in wonder. Did he really just convince society that what Jon was wearing was acceptable?

No, he corrected himself. Not Jon. Catherine.

He looked at Jon again.

Maybe we should go for something a little sexier?

"You prefer to go by Cat," he whispered. "Or Kitty Cat, if you're close with someone." Now he was getting into it. "In fact, you even think of yourself as Cat, the sexiest and trendiest girl at school.

"Whatcha say, Gary?" Jon asked, leaning in so his boobs would rub against Gary's arm.

"Oh nothing, Jon," Gary said before correcting himself. "Sorry, I guess I should call you Catherine right now."

A finger rose to Jon's chin as he thought about the proposition. He bit his lip.

God she's so fucking hot, Gary thought. Maybe I should make her as dumb as she looks. No. That would be fundamentally changing who she is. I can't do that... Can I?

"I think... Maybe call me like, Cat, or something?" She smiled widely, nearly purring, "You could call me Kitty Cat, if you want, I kinda like it."

He chuckled. "Uh... Maybe not in public, Cat."

She shrugged. "Suit yourself, I guess? Um... Can we like, head back home now?"

"Sure," the boy responded. But then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "But shouldn't we stop at that Starbucks first?"

Cat frowned. "Huh? Like, why?"

"Well, you love your caramel macchiato, don't you? It's kind of basic of you."

Cat rolled her eyes, even as she veered toward the coffee shop. "Ugh, Gary! Stooop! I, like, really want one of those now! What was even the, like, point of that change?"

He shrugged. "Well, you wanted the girl experience right? And you always complained about basic girls. Now you'll get to understand their mystical coffee desires." He waved his hands around while he said the last bit, as though it were a lost art of magic.

The two entered the shop and stood in line. A couple of girls from their high school stood further up in line, but when they noticed Cat, they squealed and ran back to join her. The obviously fake blonde cheerily called out first, her brunette friend joining in just seconds after.

"Omigosh, Cat! Hiiii~!"

"Cat! I'm so happy we ran into you!"

Cat found herself examining the two with a critical eye.

Okay. Not too bad for the blonde. She's pretty hot. Got decent tits and a nice booty. But the other one? Yikes. She's going to need some work done if she ever wants to be as popular as me-- Wait. What?

But she didn't have time to consider her thoughts as the two girls, dressed in clothes suspiciously similar to what Cat herself was wearing earlier, bubbled over each other at her as the line moved along. For her part, Cat found it impossible to bear and just sighed as she rolled her eyes. But whenever the two looked away from each other and up at her, she felt a fake smile plaster itself over her face.

"Wow! Girls! So good to like, see you here! I can't believe we totally visited the same shop at the same time!"

The brunette giggled. "Yeah! We just came to get our hair done. But first, caramel macchiatos! Just like you told us about!"

Cat couldn't help herself. She basked in their worship. Then she reached forward and grasped some of the brunette's hair.

"You like, getting it dyed?"

The brown-haired girl nodded excitedly. "Yeah! You're really an inspiration, Cat! I hope I can be as pretty as you one day!"

"Pfft," Cat scoffed, looking away so the two wouldn't hear her. "Totes not likely, wannabes."

Finally, after an eternity of completely pointless dribble, the four made it to the front and ordered their drinks. The two girls, though, had never even acknowledged Gary. And if he was honest with himself, it kind of pissed him off.

Name: Catherine "Kitty Cat" Gibson
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Hair Color/Length: Blonde/15 Inches
Eye: Blue
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 105 lbs
Body Type: Sexy
Face: Pretty, cute
Cup Size: D
Social status: Popular
Voice: High, sing-song
Speech: Girly, valley girl
Mannerisms: Sexy, girly, flirty
Clothes: Only wears sexy, revealing clothes. Only wears high heels. Always carries a handbag.
Makeup: Always wears full makeup. Frequently primps.
Nails: Always wears long nails
Habits: Often visits nail salons. Often gets a makeover.
Interests: Makeup. Clothes. Shopping. Social media. Caramel Macchiatos.
Traits: Vegetarian. Goes out of the way to act girly and sexy. Slowly becoming attracted to boys. Dislikes people of lower perceived social status. Thinks of herself as a girl.

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