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233. Tiffany discovers Doctor Who

232. At home with coach Williams

231. Sarah's room

230. Wrong house

229. Driving Miss Karyn

228. Leaving with Miss Fine

227. Tell Me Your Plan

226. Miss Fine: what do you want?

225. Persecution

224. Karyn vs Miss Fine

223. Playing It Safe

222. Karyn and Miss Fine

221. Jon Needs Reinforcement

220. Alex and the kids

219. Lovely But Strange

218. Guess who pays a visit?

217. Jon's new outfit

216. What's the Joke?

215. Distractions

214. Karyn Tries To Jog His Memory

Miss Fine: Tiffany Discovers Doctor Who

avatar on 2016-12-09 15:54:04

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Tiffany meanwhile was enjoying her evening. Once she had got home she headed straight upstairs to do her homework which had surprised her parents. Then once that was done she had dinner with them and then she returned to her room.

Flicking through the channels on her TV she eventually settled on the Sci-Fi channel as the programme that was showing piqued her interest. It was a rerun of Doctor Who. Even though it was only one episode Tiffany was so fascinated by the concept of the show that she decided to look it up online.

Sitting on her bed with her laptop she discovered that it had been running for a very long time. What fascinated Tiffany about the Doctor was that he could regenerate into an entirely different person.

Tiffany decided to look up some of the older episodes. To her disappointment she could find much of the earlier Doctors. She did however find a lot of episodes from the Tom Baker era.

Tiffany managed to set up her laptop so that she could watch it on her TV. She then went downstairs and got some snacks and then she settled down to binge watch Doctor Who.

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