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184. Zelda's different

183. Athena and Zelda

182. A logical explanation

181. Logical Manipulation

180. A meeting with the coaches

179. Zoe's In Charge (Alt)

178. Insert Leader Here

177. Zoe meets the cheerleaders

176. Earlier at lunch

175. Fun with PowerPoint

174. Time to Address the Cheerleade

173. Sarah Feels Better

172. In My Way

171. Sarah Confesses to Miss Fine

170. Around Kyla

169. In Miss Fine's office

168. Kyla Is Scared

167. Jon gets dressed

166. Jon at Home

165. Time for Zelda to get back to

Miss Fine: Zelda's Different

avatar on 2016-12-02 17:38:00

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"Well, I have some time..." Zelda said. "Tonight I'm free..tomorrow I'm booked. We were going to binge watch some Full Metal Alchemist...I've never seen it, but Oliver said I'd love it. I figured I'd give it a chance."

Athena raised a brow.

"Oliver?" She asked.

"He's a guy I met at the bookstore in the mall. They have a group there and they meet every Wednesday..."

Athena held up her hand to stop her. "Wait a minute." She said.

"You went into a bookstore?"

Zelda nodded. "Yeah and as I was saying there's this group they like to play boards games" Zelda continued ignoring Athena's question. "I asked if I could join and Oliver was in that group."

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