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179. Zoe's in charge

178. Insert Leader Here

177. Zoe meets the cheerleaders

176. Earlier at lunch

175. Fun with PowerPoint

174. Time to Address the Cheerleade

173. Sarah Feels Better

172. In My Way

171. Sarah Confesses to Miss Fine

170. Around Kyla

169. In Miss Fine's office

168. Kyla Is Scared

167. Jon gets dressed

166. Jon at Home

165. Time for Zelda to get back to

164. Zelda Continues to Be Useful

163. Zelda gets called to Miss Fine

162. Karyn and Athena are on the Wr

161. Karyn runs into Athena

160. Second Period

Miss Fine: Zoe's in Charge

avatar on 2016-12-02 15:28:42

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Zoe suddenly stood up straight. "What's wrong with you guys? Why are you sitting there like zombies? We're down a cheerleader and we need to find a replacement. And maybe an alternate or two...we can't be put in this position again."

The squad slowly came out of their trance. Melissa was the first to recover, she shook her head.

"Sorry Zoe. I'm not sure what happened." She said blinking and looking around the room.

"That's OK Melissa." Zoe said. "I just said that we need to find a replacement and maybe have a backup just so that this doesn't happen again."

The squad nodded.

"We have tryouts this afternoon." One of the girls piped up.

Zoe nodded. "We can use that to fill the whole but what about the standby?" She asked. "They don't have to be in the squad full time but they would need to step up if someone's I'll."

"And they'd have to attend all of our rallys" another girl said.

Again Zoe nodded.

"How about Karyn Black?" Melissa suggested. The rest of the girls nodded but Zoe was surprised.

"Karyn?" Zoe asked. "But she's a tomboy. She doesn't want to have anything to do with us."

"I know." Melissa replied. "But have you seen the way she's dressed today? Maybe she's trying to shred that tomboy look and just needs us to give her the push she needs."

Zoe thought about it for a moment. "Alright." She said finally. "You girls start planning the tryouts while I'll go ask Karyn"

"I'll come with you" Melissa said as she got up to follow.

Miss Fine smiled. She had been watching the entire thing, enjoying seeing Zoe take charge. Now that Zoe had finished her changes for the time being maybe it was time for a new target.

"Perhaps one of the members of staff" Miss Fine thought to herself allowing a small giggle as she left for her office.

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