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174. Time to talk to the cheerleade

173. Getting Karyn out of the way

172. In My Way

171. Sarah Confesses to Miss Fine

170. Around Kyla

169. In Miss Fine's office

168. Kyla Is Scared

167. Jon gets dressed

166. Jon at Home

165. Time for Zelda to get back to

164. Zelda Continues to Be Useful

163. Zelda gets called to Miss Fine

162. Karyn and Athena are on the Wr

161. Karyn runs into Athena

160. Second Period

159. Tiffany goes back to school

158. Tiffany Feels Great

157. Steve investigates

156. Tiffany Agrees

155. A spa appointment for Tiffany

Miss Fine: Time To Talk To The Cheerleaders

avatar on 2016-11-30 14:56:07

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Once Sarah had left Rebecca sat back in her chair thinking. Getting rid of Karyn was going to be tricky. So far she had avoided her counseling although Rebecca was sure that she had seen Karyn and another girl spying on her the other day.

Rebecca called Alex over to her office again.

"Yes Miss Fine?" He asked as he opened the door.

"Ah Alex good, I could use your help." Rebecca stood up and handed him a note. Noting that the boy had now painted his nails as well.

"Can you give this note to Karyn Black please? She should be heading to lunch soon. I assume you know her?" Rebecca asked.

Alex nodded. "Good boy." Rebecca replied. "Now run along. I have some things to attend to."

Alex left and Rebecca sat back down at her desk. Rebecca activated the intercom that was installed in her office.

"This is Miss Fine speaking." She announced to the school knowing that that would get everybody's attention. "I would like to have a chat with the cheerleading squad. Could you all meet me in the gym after lunch please? That is all. Thank you"

Releasing the button Rebecca smiled. Time to move on to stage two of her plan for Zoe.

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