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157. Steve investigates

156. Tiffany Agrees

155. A spa appointment for Tiffany

154. Tiffany is Hiding

153. Athena goes to class

152. Sarah Gets Angry then Friendly

151. Athena talks with Sarah

150. Later, Athena

149. Zoe arrives at school

148. Karyn goes to school

147. Karyn wakes up

146. Karyn Lets Biff Take Her to Sa

145. Karyn Wants to Go Home

144. Karyn needs to leave

143. Karyn Comes to Her Senses

142. Sarah's alone finally

141. Biff Arrives

140. Tiffany wants to be friends

139. Makeover

138. See Miss Fine?

Miss Fine: Steve Investigates

avatar on 2016-11-27 22:25:44

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But Steve never came, ignoring the summons from the guidance office. Or, more accurately, following Tiffany to find out what was going on with her.

Tiffany looked at the piece of paper that Miss Fine had given her which had the address of the spa on it. She decided to take the bus. It wasn't too far away from the school.

Meanwhile Steve followed Tiffany from a distance. He saw her standing at the bus stop. He frowned. Tiffany never used public transport. Steve got in to his car and decided to follow her.

After a while they came to an unassuming building with simple markings over a blue door.

Steve pulled up the side of the road and watched as Tiffany got off the bus and went inside. Steve waited a while before it was clear that Tiffany wasn't coming out.

Steve got out and decided to investigate.

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